Star Wars Tabletop - articles & videos

By RealFinney, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Myself and a buddy have been writing articles about our fleets and recording the games for over a year now.

Our YouTube channel:

Star Wars Tabletop: Youtube Channel here

We play a game every fortnight, articles and new vids are promoted via our Twitter: starwarstabletop@realfinney

For each game we write articles on our fleet building process, plus post-game analysis, which can be found here:

We're also the home of the " Sector War " mini-campaign mode, and we've just finished our first play through using the ver 1.16 rules. There's going to be a few adjustments, but these are mainly going to be refinements to the structure that's been made so far.

we also write occasional extra strategy articles.

Hope you join us & enjoy.

Andrew & Chris

Sector War 1.20 no attachments.odt

Edited by old_school_overlord
Updating information.

It's been a while since I updated this topic, so the OP has been amended to reflect our current activity and hope you find things of interest.

I haven’t seen your write ups before. I love that green scheme Victory. Really slick looking. Same with the red paneling on the Raider and Arq.

I'm new to Armada, and I just stumbled across this topic. You've got a great resource with excellent write-ups to show the thought behind how to build a fleet. :)

Post consolidated into earlier links.

Edited by old_school_overlord
cleaning up links

Smart money is on the Imperials I hear.....

Reserved for our next content

Edited by old_school_overlord
adding extra links

This is really good stuff.

Sounds interesting. Will check it out.

Our new Sector War is starting up, get hyped here as we nominate Commanders to our roster and navigate to the Tatooine Sector.

Round 1:

Imperial Commander builds his fleet

Rebel Commander builds his fleet

Watch Game 1 here!

Round 2:

Imperial Commander builds his fleet

Rebel Commander builds his fleet

Watch Round 2 here!

Round 3:

Imperial Commander builds his fleet

Rebel Commander builds his fleet

Watch Round 3 here!

Round 4: (Pending)

Imperial Commander builds his fleet

Rebel Commander builds his fleet

Watch Round 4 here!

Final Confrontation:

I mperial Commander builds his fleet

Rebel Commander builds his fleet

Watch the final Confrontation here!

Edited by old_school_overlord
On 3/28/2018 at 12:52 PM, old_school_overlord said:

It's been a while since I updated this topic, so the OP has been amended to reflect our current activity and hope you find things of interest.

Just came across your Channel - great to see another player making game vids! Making my way through Sloane v Dodonna report.

Regarding the video - the dice role zoom-in is great and nice and clear. The lists at the start are great too. Is there any way you can get a higher res camera for the tabletop? (sorry I'm not a camera expert) it's a bit hard to tell what unit is what especially with the reflection on the table from the light - I can't make out the squadrons at all. Otherwise the height and angle of the camera is really good for a battle report! It's also great that you verbalise a lot of what you're doing turn by turn which makes the game a lot easier to follow. Oh yes, the opening music is quite a bit louder than the audio later - but that's a minor point.

Regarding the bomber 'gimmick' list I think Adar is probably better on something other than Yavaris so you can get your squadron in place for the double tap. FCT on the Pelta is a good move! I think Luke going down so fast illustrates the problem with him - having Escort means there's nowhere to hide :(

Thanks again for the video! I'll watch my way through the others too :)

Thanks Zamalekite!

Yes the camera is probably the thing that would have the biggest benefit for the Batreps. We currently use a C920 webcam, so the next step up would be switching to a proper video camera.

I think you're absolutely right on Adar, possibly the Transport would have been the right spot for him.

Edited by old_school_overlord