FFG Prize Support

By Hawkman2000, in Star Wars: Destiny

So, I was playing Destiny at a LGS and one of the employees struck up a conversation about running a weekly event. When I asked about FFG prize support they said that FFG had required all stores that ordered the pre-release kit to also order the Qtr1 and Qtr2 prize kits at that time or they would not be allowed to order those kits in the future. Because the store did not choose to order those kits with the pre-release, they are now not able to get a prize kit until Qtr3. Which the employee seemed obviously frustrated with.

I've never heard of this before with any FFG game. Has anyone heard anything close to this to support it or did the store employee just not know what they were talking about?

On the 27th January the Q3 kits were available for pre-order, so there is a ring of truth to what is being said.

However, the store was not denied the opportunity to order kits for Q1/2 they chose not to. Seems a little on the "spilled milk" side of things to be frustrated with this choice.

was told the exact same thing plus it's on there website that you have to which is the stupidest decision ever. not really missing much though acrylic tokens and some alt art for 15$, i got twice as much from some other companys for free

12 hours ago, soviet prince said:

was told the exact same thing plus it's on there website that you have to which is the stupidest decision ever. not really missing much though acrylic tokens and some alt art for 15$, i got twice as much from some other companys for free

What other company is giving away free prize support for this game? Who's the fool, the fool or the fool who follows him.

Edited by ozmodon

My experience has been that supply is tied to whatever the distributors order. Sometimes they're able to stock up and local game stores can still order some after the original wave ships out.

1 hour ago, soviet prince said:

was told the exact same thing plus it's on there website that you have to which is the stupidest decision ever. not really missing much though acrylic tokens and some alt art for 15$, i got twice as much from some other companys for free

I don't know where you are reading this or getting this idea from. The kits are available when they go up for order, usually a quarter in advance. So when the Q1 kits were about to come out the Q2 kits went up for sale. Your LGS may have missed it, but they were not tied to the ordering of the prerelease kits. Your LGS is telling you BS if they tell you otherwise.

My FLGS got a kit just for ordering so many kits from other games over the years for crying out loud. And they did not host a prerelease event.

FFG's kits are not exclusive unless they are for some special event (Store champs, Regionals, etc).

Retailers can purchase kits from distributors as well. Your shop is blowing smoke up your butt.


5 hours ago, ozmodon said:

What other company is giving away free prize support for this game? Who's the fool the, fool or the fool who follows him.

a different game,

Thanks everyone for the replies. I kinda thought as much - sour grapes over not getting in on the game in time. I know prize kits have a window of when stores can order them, so it sounds like an excuse for not ordering.

Even with that window you can get them outside of it. My local store just got 6 Q1 kits. Just by poking at his distributors.

2 hours ago, ScottieATF said:

Even with that window you can get them outside of it. My local store just got 6 Q1 kits. Just by poking at his distributors.

Same for mine. Ordered 2 and then got 4 more later on.