Destiny Deck Designer.xlsm

By DDoubleVVision, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've had this on BoardGameGeek ( ) for a while now so I thought I'd share here.

Here are some features:

  1. Easy-to-use Excel interface
  2. Normal Excel filters on most columns
  3. Advanced macro-enabled filtering:
    1. by die faces
    2. by card text (card effects). This allows user to quickly find specific cards based on the positive effect(s) the card can have on the player
  4. Deck creation. After quantities are added in the Deck Column, with one click you can see the Deck View screen. From there you can add a title, add notes, see statistics, and print if desired
  5. Deck export. Current version allows you to copy the "deck text" and import into CardGameDB DeckBuilder for even more statistics, sharing, etc.
    1. Future version will hopefully allow export to SWDestinyDB (but at the time of this writing their import feature is bugged). From there you would in theory be able to export deck to TableTopSimulator

Things to know:

  1. This works with newer versions of Excel (does not work with Excel 97-2003 version)
  2. You must have macros enabled in order to use any of the buttons (advanced filtering, etc)
  3. Recommended you leave zoom at 100%. If you change it, you will need to adjust the placement of the icons in the card text column accordingly, which means unprotecting the sheet
Edited by DDoubleVVision
removed file folder link

Version 2.1 is up and has huge improvements:

-Added Spirit of Rebellion set
-Enhanced graphic design
-More robust Game Text & Die Face Filtering
-Added more deck and dice statistics
-Clicking on card name brings up game text in a popup

Someone click on this and tell me whether its legit or not or are we getting Rick Rolled

The link just takes you to the boardgamegeek file page. You don't have to download anything to see screenshots and replies from others. Version 1.5 had over 200 downloads but I guess I have no way to prove it to you. I can't really post much in the way of screenshots on this form due to the size limitations. doesn't accept files unless they check them out first.

Actually very useful! Thanks very much!

Sadly, to download, I had to create a board game geek account that I will now proceed to never use again, but it's really nice to have an offline card list (not just the swdestinydb that we all know).

The spreadsheet saved to the Numbers and Excel apps on my iPhone just fine!