Qui Gon + Jedi Robes, 1st turn, triggers?

By setro, in Star Wars: Destiny


If I play Jedi Robes on Qui Gon Jinn in the first turn of the game, getting him 2 shields, can Qui Gon's ability trigger after I put the 1st shield?

Edited by setro

The effect is that he gets 2 shields, and it can't be split into 2 sequential steps. It would be similar to resolving 1 dice showing 2 shields.

I'm confused, Quigon's ability is a "before ability" thus he removes a shield does then damage and THEN receives 2. (example if you started with out the battle field and thus started with 2 shields on quigon, then play Jedi robes on him to gain 2 shields you trigger his before a ability removing 1 shield from him to do 1 damage and then place 2 shields on him bringing him up to 3 shields. I dont understand why you would want to trigger it after?

Edited by tunewalker
1 minute ago, tunewalker said:

I'm confused, Quigon's ability is a "before ability" thus he removes a shield does then damage and THEN receives 2. (example if you started with out the battle field and thus started with 2 shields on quigon, then play Jedi robes on him to gain 2 shields you trigger his before a bility removing 1 shield from him to do 1 damage and then place 2 shields on him bringing him up to 3 shields.

I think in that situation it should be straight foward, just the way you described.

My doubt was regarding the case in which I begin controlling the battlefield. I thought I could trigger Qui Gon's ability between the resolution of gaining 2 shields from the Jedi Robes

Just now, setro said:

I think in that situation it should be straight foward, just the way you described.

My doubt was regarding the case in which I begin controlling the battlefield. I thought I could trigger Qui Gon's ability between the resolution of gaining 2 shields from the Jedi Robes

I get you, ya you cant do that, I wish, that's why you have to remove the thing before you gain the shields you have to have a shield already on him before you play the card or resolve the ability that gets you said shields. The only thing I know of as happening at all the same time is if you resolve more then one shield die as each of those technically resolve seperately as part of the same action.

44 minutes ago, tunewalker said:

The only thing I know of as happening at all the same time is if you resolve more then one shield die as each of those technically resolve seperately as part of the same action.

In the case with multiple shield dice, I'd think QG's abiity could trigger with each die that's resolved.


35 minutes ago, underling said:

In the case with multiple shield dice, I'd think QG's abiity could trigger with each die that's resolved.


It would get the opportunity to resolve for each die, yes. If you start with zero shields, the first die won't produce any result other than adding the shield, but a second (or additional) die would be fine, as dice are resolved individually (barring modifiers, but that's not important in the context of this discussion).

It would trigger if you are the player that d not get your battlefield, and getting those two (before game) shields. Then on your first round of the first turn you could trigger Qui-gon's power with the robes.

Edited by Moore1980