Event Cards - 3rd Edition

By Cthulhu80, in Fury of Dracula


I have a doubt and I didn't find anything of help on the reference guide.

My questin is: how many event cards can be played by Dracula player and the Hunters during their respective turns? Obviously I'm not talking about the "play immediately" kind of cards but all the other ones. If a Hunter has, let's say, 3 cards that can be only played at dawn, does the player have to choose a single card that he will play during the next dawn? Or can he play all of them?

And what about Dracula? How many event cards can he play during his turn? Just one or as much as he wants (as long as he meets the cards' requirements)?

Thanks for the help!

There is no max number of cards you can play, as long as you respect their specific triggers. I.e. if you have three "Ad Dawn" cards, you can play them as long as it's Dawn


thank you very much for the answer.

Hi my question's are many i am afraid.. ..when it says immediately or at dawn does it have to be the next dawn or any future dawn? Card says "the dawn" not Any dawn the card is unclear. Also is an encounter card placed on the initial space? the rules for set up say place a location but don't refer to an encounter on that Spot? Can dracula place two road blocks on the same road? Fog stacks why can't roads?...seaspaces with storms do not stack..oh no! If you read cancel in the reference a combat card is placed face down and remains in the play area...only dacula's right? It once again does not say that...refresh says pick up the hunter's last card the reference for cancel says face down remain?? I assume he picks it up orelse he could run out of cards and there is no provision for this in combat...It Does Not Say that though..poor editing. This rule book is very poorly written and while we can speculate there are not clear answers....is combat with an exposed vampire when it is revealed or at dawn dusk? seems like dawn dusk because the rules reference dracula as the player not just dracula himself. when you ambush with a vampire is it discarded after one combat? ambush would say yes, with out the card saying otherwise...or does it stay with damage? The rule would indicate it is discarded..reckless after all. I assume only searched out vampires would stay??

1. when an event card says play "immediately or at dawn" does it have to be the next dawn or any future dawn?

Immediately or ANY dawn. A card will say "next dawn" if that is the intention.

2. Also is an encounter card placed on the initial space?

No. This is a common mistake, and was played wrongly in the TableTop youtube demo.

3. Can dracula place two road blocks on the same road?

The rules are unclear. You have to house rule it.

4. If you read Cancel in the reference a combat card is placed face down and remains in the play area...only Dracula's right?

Yes. Hunter plays a normal.

5. Is combat with an exposed vampire when it is revealed or at dawn dusk?

Combat with encounter Vampires is always immediate, resolving an Ambush or Search action. Combat with Dracula (character) is always at Dawn/Dusk.

6. when you ambush with a vampire is it discarded after one combat?

Vampire Encounters are not automatically discarded - they stay with damage if not defeated. See the Rules Reference entry. (The encounter card text should note this, but fails to.)