So I've started my first attempt to paint miniatures ever (my prior experience being limited to spray painting primer on miniature starships from Star Fleet Battles and Shapeways). I bought a pre-painted core set from eBay so I've decided to try to paint my expansions (Twin Shadows and Return to Hoth, plus some individual packs), or at least to paint the stormtroopers from Shadows and Hoth.
I tried to follow Sorastro's guides, although I'm using Vallejo paints, Krylon primer, and inferior brushes.
Here are my stormtroopers all primed, with one already through the black wash stage.
I went light-ish on the primer because I didn't want to over do it, so they don't look as good as Sorastro's do after priming.
The black wash step is amazing. It's awesome how much it covers up. I thought I had done a simply terrible job on painting the black details (in dark grey) but they look decent after the wash.
I realize now that I didn't watch his heavy stormtrooper video very carefully because he did a lighter wash making the highlighting step easier. I will probably pick up some medium to mix with my wash for the other three troopers when I get there.
Edited by jscott991