Descent: Destiny?

By Wolftame, in Star Wars: Destiny

3 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I think it's similar to what an analogue version of Hearthstone would look like, if such a thing existed.

You mean the World of Warcraft CCG?


Not quite.

3 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I think it's similar to what an analogue version of Hearthstone would look like, if such a thing existed. The Phoenixborn is your commander or general, the dice are your resources. 30 card deck, no limitation on the color/type you can bring, I-take-an-action you-take-an-action format, you can discard to re-roll your dice... sound familiar? It really is its own animal though, very unique and with a tight rule set to boot. You actually get to choose your own starting hand of 5 individual cards (no doubles), which is a nice spin. And all of the art is done by just one guy, so it all meshes.

Checked AotPB out in video reviews. I gotta say I liked it. It looks like something I will buy and the LCG model will be very refreshing after all these pack based games. To me it real looks like Destiny and MTG had a fling in Vegas and 9 months later this was the result. The spellboard has me intrigued though again it's pretty much like upgrades in Destiny. Anyway gonna try it, looks cool and something I can buy alone and play with friends. Derailment concluded.

A Halo Universe conversion would be pretty cool, too.

13 hours ago, LordFajubi said:

Checked AotPB out in video reviews. I gotta say I liked it. It looks like something I will buy and the LCG model will be very refreshing after all these pack based games. To me it real looks like Destiny and MTG had a fling in Vegas and 9 months later this was the result. The spellboard has me intrigued though again it's pretty much like upgrades in Destiny. Anyway gonna try it, looks cool and something I can buy alone and play with friends. Derailment concluded.

Send me a message once you've played it, tell me what you think.