Descent: Destiny?

By Wolftame, in Star Wars: Destiny

Would such a thing be feasible? A Destiny type game set in the world of Descent?
I'm quite intrigued by this game and I'm considering picking up 2 starters and some boosters (but OOS at my regular supplier atm).

Maybe not in the tactical RPG sense of current Descent, but certainly in a competitive two player sense like Destiny is now.

The only problem I see is the scaling because you would want to have major classes represented.

Maybe I should have used Terrinoth or something instead of Descent, but you got my general idea.
There certainly would be room for expansions with classes and factions.
Well, it's a thought if they feel the need for something new to introduce.

Absolutely. With what FFG is doing with Runewars, I can definitely see this.

FFG NO , not until you work out your current manufacturing issues. With that said, FFG recycles everything, art work, game mechanics and copy cats whole games, so yes, they will be making another card and dice game in the future. I just don't see them targeting Descent for the next IP to use in this format. I do think a Descent based game will be fun but the costs of a CCG with the relatively unknown IP, I am not sure. LotR or Game of Throwns seems more likely.

it's about time spongebob gets his own card game, Patrick ftw

This system could work for any setting. A standard fantasy setting might want to add a fourth class color to match the traditional roles...warrior, healer, rogue, and magic. But it could work.

At the same time, I doubt it would have the same kind of audience. Destiny right now is Star Wars driven. Sure, it's also a fun game full of interesting choices and decisions, but if it wasn't Star Wars, it wouldn't be as popular. And I think FFG needs to be careful in how quick it would be to publish additional Destiny games, or license the system out like it did with Attack Wing. I think many people objectively feel that the D&D Attack Wing system was a superior game use of the rules than either X-Wing or Star Trek are, buy D&D is the system that failed first. Mostly because players just didn't have the time or money to support more than one game in the system. I'm not sure how much more the player base can support an expensive game like this.

I don't know why, but for some reason I really love a generic fantasy setting. Must be the D&D influence that lives in my soul. I'm a big Star Wars fan, because it's a fun universe and what's not to like? That said, I'd have much preferred that Destiny be a similar game with a generic fantasy setting, hero and villain factions, and the colors representing Warriors, Mages, Rogues. We still have casters and archers for ranged, swordsman for melee, armor can represent shields, etc., etc. etc.

That said, it probably wouldn't have launched as strong, and I certainly can't blame them for using Star Wars as a theme. It's a big draw for a lot of people. I understand that the fact that legendaries exist means there has to be an audience willing to pursue legendaries, and it's easier for people to get excited enough to shell out the extra coin (directly via boosters, or indirectly via secondary market) for a Darth Vader or Han Solo, where the same CCG audience might revolt if the market price of "Dark Knight" or "Daring Scoundrel" had been $40 each.

....either way, loving Destiny as a game. The SW theme is nice. Not my very favorite, but nice.

It could also just work as an LCG and not a CCG. Or maybe more like a co-op playing characters and decks against and generic auto-paying opponent deck full of a dungeon of baddies.

I think the main reason for collectable was the added cost of having such beautiful dice. If they did a generic fantasy theme, (which I would be all over) I think it would be collectable too.

What I can see them doing is using these kinds of dice in their board games or other miniature games. Arkham Horror heroes each with their own die for there special ability? I can see that being a thing.

They already have a logo for the "Destiny Dice System" on the Star Wars Destiny products. I wouldn't be surprised to see other versions of the game.

Maybe I'm just weird cuz this may seem off the wall, but I'm a huge classic Transformers fan and I think it'd be a cool game for that setting.

Don't judge me :-D

37 minutes ago, Engine25 said:

Maybe I'm just weird cuz this may seem off the wall, but I'm a huge classic Transformers fan and I think it'd be a cool game for that setting.

Don't judge me :-D

Don't worry, you're not alone - the lack of pretty much ANY Transformers board/card game that isn't Risk/Monopoly type stuff is terrible. Though I think part of that is because of Hasbro.

Anyway, while they certainly could release another game in the system, I think they'd try to go for a relatively big license, rather than something smaller. I know Dice Masters did it, and I've always assumed the non comic book stuff sold horribly outside of the hardcore players (though I'll freely admit, I have no idea if that's actually true or not).

13 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Don't worry, you're not alone - the lack of pretty much ANY Transformers board/card game that isn't Risk/Monopoly type stuff is terrible. Though I think part of that is because of Hasbro.

Anyway, while they certainly could release another game in the system, I think they'd try to go for a relatively big license, rather than something smaller. I know Dice Masters did it, and I've always assumed the non comic book stuff sold horribly outside of the hardcore players (though I'll freely admit, I have no idea if that's actually true or not).

Can't you play any character available for Dice Masters? Like it's legal to mix universes? Could be wrong, but that certainly helps sales, as you don't segregate your player base. That would never happen here, and I wouldn't want it to lol

But but but, we need to have a Captain Phasma and Brienne deck be a thing.

On 2/8/2017 at 10:02 PM, Mep said:

FFG NO , not until you work out your current manufacturing issues. With that said, FFG recycles everything, art work, game mechanics and copy cats whole games, so yes, they will be making another card and dice game in the future. I just don't see them targeting Descent for the next IP to use in this format. I do think a Descent based game will be fun but the costs of a CCG with the relatively unknown IP, I am not sure. LotR or Game of Throwns seems more likely.

No other property FFG has can touch Star Wars in terms of it's amount of popularity right now, so I think the amount of product would not be an issue.

2 hours ago, JediGeekGirl said:

No other property FFG has can touch Star Wars in terms of it's amount of popularity right now, so I think the amount of product would not be an issue.

Welcome to this forum.

On Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 2:38 AM, Mep said:

Welcome to this forum.


Mixing properties is why I bailed on Dice Masters. If all I wanted was a card/dice game variant I know where to find better elsewhere; I'm here because it's Star Wars and it has FFG's customer service behind it.

Speaking of other card/dice combos, has anyone else played Ashes? I love that game.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Mixing properties is why I bailed on Dice Masters. If all I wanted was a card/dice game variant I know where to find better elsewhere; I'm here because it's Star Wars and it has FFG's customer service behind it.

Speaking of other card/dice combos, has anyone else played Ashes? I love that game.

Haven't tried Ashes, what's it like? I think the mixing genre thing can be done with success, where WK really screwed the pooch was mixing power levels too much. You can not convince me, in any reality, that Mary Jane Watson can ko Darkseid. Freaking Darkseid, a being who can be hit full force by Superman and not only take it but hit as hard back. Just utter rubish.

Now that is out of my system as long as the characters are of a similiar power level it can work ok and even be interesting. The turtles teaming up with batman to take on green goblin and doc oc, totally believeable and kinda interesting I think. Having Aunt freaking May take on Apocalypse though....Jesus Harold...come on. Keep them all super powered or no super powers but keep it believeable.

I think it's similar to what an analogue version of Hearthstone would look like, if such a thing existed. The Phoenixborn is your commander or general, the dice are your resources. 30 card deck, no limitation on the color/type you can bring, I-take-an-action you-take-an-action format, you can discard to re-roll your dice... sound familiar? It really is its own animal though, very unique and with a tight rule set to boot. You actually get to choose your own starting hand of 5 individual cards (no doubles), which is a nice spin. And all of the art is done by just one guy, so it all meshes.

If the technology of getting the image on the dice can be extended to d8/10/12 then many games like Runescape miniatures, X-Wing, Armada and IA could have individual and specific dice for various ships, characters and such. A d12 would be a beast of a dice though....

On 2/11/2017 at 2:38 AM, Mep said:

Welcome to this forum.


Edited by JediGeekGirl
2 hours ago, LordFajubi said:

Haven't tried Ashes, what's it like? I think the mixing genre thing can be done with success, where WK really screwed the pooch was mixing power levels too much. You can not convince me, in any reality, that Mary Jane Watson can ko Darkseid. Freaking Darkseid, a being who can be hit full force by Superman and not only take it but hit as hard back. Just utter rubish.

Now that is out of my system as long as the characters are of a similiar power level it can work ok and even be interesting. The turtles teaming up with batman to take on green goblin and doc oc, totally believeable and kinda interesting I think. Having Aunt freaking May take on Apocalypse though....Jesus Harold...come on. Keep them all super powered or no super powers but keep it believeable.

Aunt may is the strongest of all, she is holding back