When disaster strikes!

By scoddyboy, in Star Wars: Destiny

So today I paid my flgs a quick visit to buy a few more boosters, (not bragging here by the way), and after opening them and giving the contents a quick once over I put the cards and dice in the inside pocket of my jacket. I left after a short while and drove home. When I got in to my house I put my hand in my pocket to remove my goods and found that a pen I keep in there had decided to leak in my pocket all over the majority of my cards and dice. I tried to clean them but black ink can be very stubborn. Some of the dice faces have been covered to the point that they are partially obscured. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could go about removing the ink?

Try alcohol...no, not that kind of alcohol but of the Isopropyl Rubbing kind.


28 minutes ago, johnwiser said:

Try alcohol...no, not that kind of alcohol but of the Isopropyl Rubbing kind.

Actually, if it was a Vader that got hit, the OP might need a stiff drink...

Whiteout covers my ink mistake.


maybe simple green? But that might take everything with it.

Thankfully the only character die damaged was Amidala. Worst hit were immobilize, speeder bike and (most annoyingly) thermal detonator. I was thinking maybe nail polish remover might work. Could always test it on one of my spare bb-8s or infantry grenades.

If rubbing alcohol didn't work, I'd step up to denatured alcohol. I would try denatured alcohol on a test infantry granades. 6-7 bucks at Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot.

I work in a secondary school (UK), so I might have a word with the science department and see if they have anything I could try. I will let you all know of the results just in case disaster strikes for anybody else.

try praying to the giant spaghetti monster heard that works

Ok, so I tried 3 different techniques for cleaning the ink off my dice.

1- Washing up liquid and water-no change.

2- White spirit-removed most of the ink from the coloured part of the dice. Didn't remove any from the printed image but did start to wear away the edges of the image.

3- Ethanol- removed most of the ink and the image!

So in conclusion, don't put your dice in the same place as a pen!

Generally, you start with the least harsh solvent and move up. These dice seem very susceptible to solvents so I wouldn't feel comfortable putting anything harsh on them. You could try cooking oil and soap and try to get the ink to dissolve that way. Novus has a plastic polish which may help.

I get the feeling a couple years time, we will see very different dice being made from their current state.