Freezing Chamber rules interpretation

By Prindlehaven, in Star Wars: Destiny

If by lawyers you mean "well-educated people with good research and problem solving skills" then thank you, I guess. I'll take that as a compliment.

5 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

If by lawyers you mean "well-educated people with good research and problem solving skills" then thank you, I guess. I'll take that as a compliment.

You really shouldn't.

Hmm, can I be a rules... I dunno, governor? Rules doctor? I'm not seeing a good reason why I shouldn't feel complimented here. Now if you called us rules fry cooks, then maybe I'd be insulted. There are worse things than seeking understanding; you should try it sometime.

On 2/10/2017 at 8:11 PM, Stu35 said:

Rules lawyers gonna rule lawyer...

That's my takeaway from this, and several other threads on this forum

Its comical.

If game publishers would write clear rules that don't leave unanswered issues, we wouldn't have to have discussions like this.

2 hours ago, kingbobb said:

If game publishers would write clear rules that don't leave unanswered issues, we wouldn't have to have discussions like this.

Hush, you! Game publishers are beings of pure light and knowledge. Any issues we have with the rules are simply the inability for our puny human minds to comprehend the divine brilliance underlying their work!

Suffice it to say, some people would be better off sticking to checkers. No need for "rules lawyering" there, eh?

One could always solicit help by asking a rules question on one of the FB groups. Oh...wait.....nevermind!

On 2/10/2017 at 8:33 PM, WonderWAAAGH said:

If by lawyers you mean "well-educated people with good research and problem solving skills" then thank you, I guess. I'll take that as a compliment.

You must take it a lot

21 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

You must take it a lot

I appreciate the offer, but I don't swing that way. Sorry pal.