Any ideas when Destiny starters will be available again?

By MonkeyInSpace, in Star Wars: Destiny

Not willing to pay eBay prices but I totally missed the boat with Destiny (and, as my roommate didn't get into it and therefore has nothing for me to steal) and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas when the new print run will hit? The product page is very vague and I'm looking to get my Destiny on...

No, no one has any idea, though you may have luck ordering from local stores that have online listings. My area is bone dry, so no luck there or I'd try to help more.

Shipping costs can be a bit sporadic, but I am coming to the party late, and all my destiny product has come from Canada or the UK at around +10% the cost if I had pre-ordered domestically.

That's what I get for being way too busy over the holidays...

On 2/7/2017 at 3:32 PM, Virtigo said:

Shipping costs can be a bit sporadic, but I am coming to the party late, and all my destiny product has come from Canada or the UK at around +10% the cost if I had pre-ordered domestically.

That's what I get for being way too busy over the holidays...

There wasn't product around the holidays, either.

I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some starters coming along with SoR. But I have no supporting eveidence for this.

The game is dead without starters on shelves. I say wait. No reason to pay extra if FFG fails to keep even the most basic product in stock.

that said FFG is not stupid! They will keep printing starters just wait it out. Destiny is totally worth waiting for. Until then pick up table top simulator if you really need to play.