Destiny Dice Box what do you think?

By sampo, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hoping to get some feedback.


You shouldn't store your dice in the "Blank" position, they're home side should always be the most powerful side... :P

But really, I think this looks pretty cool.

Felt inside the lid for rolling the dice I would say is a must. There are no selves for the dice and those are going to get very worn with lots of play. I would even go so far as to say a rubber blacked felt in the top is required. Other wise, one is better off rolling the dice on the game mat.

Those prototypes are just too ruff when they need to be of good quality. You are better off showing some good craftmanship to get people excited enough to back you. They just don't give me enough confidence that the laser cut, jigged production models will look good enough for to want to own one.

Holding just dice I don't believe is good enough. I would include in the foam a cut out for a deck as well. Maybe do both a single and a double deck boxes. These simply aren't large enough to store hundreds of dice which people will eventually amass. Even still, one would want to store the dice and cards together in the same place. So, a non-play, pure storage option should include both card and dice storage. Maybe the top could have some smaller card holder sheets built in.

Free ideas if you want them.

1 hour ago, Hawkman2000 said:

You shouldn't store your dice in the "Blank" position, they're home side should always be the most powerful side... :P

But really, I think this looks pretty cool.

I've always subscribed to the belief that you store dice with the best side facing up, as gravity will surely pull some of the atoms down, causing it to be weighted for success. Perhaps he stores this case vertically and the special sides are, in fact, facing upwards.

21 minutes ago, uhhsam said:

I've always subscribed to the belief that you store dice with the best side facing up, as gravity will surely pull some of the atoms down, causing it to be weighted for success. Perhaps he stores this case vertically and the special sides are, in fact, facing upwards.

This actually works if the dice are made out of glass. It would just take a very long time.

I bought a DnD box set of tokens some time back and it was fantastic, the box had several compartments and the lid could be turned over and had a mouse mat as to become a dice tray. Neoprene and cloth, so it had a nice bounce to it.

I would also suggest you have a look at Broken Token and see how they put things together. Being able to add 2-5 pieces that can be used to compartment the box out as the purchaser wants will give the box more scope than just the Destiny Card Game.

Thank you for the feedback @Mep we considered some type of liner for the lid but decided it was overkill as the lid is mad of EVA (very similar to game mat material).

I'm sorry you don't feel the quality is up to par if you have any more insight as to what we could do to improve this that would be great, we have worked really hard to make distress our Battle Damaged Finish and make it look like it's been through a fight or two (Our roots come from the cosplay and Replica Prop scene).

We don't have any interest in moving into the deck box space as that is pretty well covered, I will consider it and i do like the idea of space for tokens and you are right larger options are required, we have a 48 die box fleshed out and ready to go and are looking at the option of a 96 die box as well so keep an eye on us over the next few days.

Thanks for the feedback folks it means a lot that your would take the time.

Not having a 'tournament tray' that holds dice, deck and tokens is really missing the boat. I think what you are trying to build is perfect for that if the lid is as good for rolling dice as you say it is. The 96 dice box might be of interest if it is both cheap and compact enough. There are cheap, under $5, plastic boxes that can fit these dice perfectly out there and will hold a lot of dice. I got one from Michael's that can hold over 200 dice, with organizable compartments, and double stacked there is very little movement, so no damaged dice.

This game does lack good storage solutions, so good luck.

Everyone at our game store uses these:

If you take the internal deck box out you can easily fit a sleeved deck (or two!) + 12 dice in the bottom compartment and another 7 dice in the top smaller one.

We now have a die + deck + token model, thanks for the good advice @Mep
That looks like a nice setup @arpst0rm . I am working on a 96 die box, a play set would fit in 2-3 of these boxes, is that something that would interest you?

Thanks for the input.

No photos of dice in box or overall product. Take my money elsewhere, thanks though.

@sampo Yeah ideally it would be a full playset in one box, but getting two for a playset is not a deal breaker. Just depends on cost.