Team covenant spoilers

By jimbrewersbro, in Star Wars: Destiny

Well, currently analyzing Ben, or really, any of these cards, is hard to do since so many of the other cards have yet to be spoiled. There are still another what 2 hero blue characters to be spoiled? Hard to say Old Ben is good or not in this vacuum.

I like all I saw. I desire Palpatine even more after seeing "Rise Again" card :wub:

I think anakin is the best character we've seen yet 4 damage sides of essentially 3,3,2,1 for 17 cost wow

Obi Wan doesn't feel especially great and is extremely expensive. As of now, it's an interesting spoiler but not an especially exciting one considering his best pairings appear to be eBen/Rey and Ben/ePadme. I could potentially even see something like eBen/Padme mimicking Lukebar in a way. I think heroes are absolutely desperate for a character outside of blue that has two (ideally unmodified) melee sides. Mono blue heroes is at such a disadvantage compared to its villain counterpart with stuff like Force Strike, Holocron, No Mercy, etc.

emo!Vader looks pretty beastly at first glance, but the ranged and discard sides are super awkward. He also doesn't have a resource side, which is potentially problematic. He only has two four dice setups -- eVader/eKylo and eVader/eBala, which both seem potentially good.

Rise Again is a super expensive card in an already super expensive color. I don't know that it'll be easy to make good use of this card because of its prohibitive cost. It's obviously a great card if it goes off, but getting five resources is pretty difficult to do. It might be a one-of in eJabba/eDooku.

The new battlefield is pretty scary, though. It's entirely possible that two-character lists become significantly more prevalent after the release of the next set just because action economy will become so important with this card.

What are the chances we see a Hero Anakin in the third set? He just keeps getting younger .....


It's coming.......

47 minutes ago, unfassbarnathan said:

What are the chances we see a Hero Anakin in the third set? He just keeps getting younger .....

Well, the next set (if I recall correctly) is supposed to deal with the Rebels cartoon series. It makes sense that they'd include Clone Wars cartoon characters as well. So I would say the chances are actually pretty good.

1 hour ago, Lasci said:

The new battlefield is pretty scary, though. It's entirely possible that two-character lists become significantly more prevalent after the release of the next set just because action economy will become so important with this card.

I agree and it would make sense to push more product through Elites.

Annie's ranged side represents his spitting out horrible dialog at the opponent.

Edited by Hawkman2000

Technically the Darth Vader card was spoiled in the RRG a long time ago :)

Page 3:


Characters with the same title but a different subtitle are still considered to be the same character for determining uniqueness.

Example: A player cannot use Darth Vader, Sith Lord and Darth Vader, Dark Apprentice on the same team

2 hours ago, GooeyChewie said:

Well, the next set (if I recall correctly) is supposed to deal with the Rebels cartoon series. It makes sense that they'd include Clone Wars cartoon characters as well. So I would say the chances are actually pretty good.

Curious on where you heard that. I know some people love Rebels but if they go there that quick I'm done, can't stand that show.

1 hour ago, LordFajubi said:

Curious on where you heard that. I know some people love Rebels but if they go there that quick I'm done, can't stand that show.

If I recall correctly, there was an event at the FFG headquarters where they announced Thrawn would be one of the red villain characters in set 3. They had a mock-up of him, but with no dice sides or text displayed. I may have extrapolated the part about the set focusing on Rebels, but even if it does I'm sure it won't be all Rebels. I think it would be similar to how the first set focuses on The Force Awakens and the upcoming one focuses on Rogue One, but by no means are all the cards from those movies.


Ben is slight variation on Luke - similar dice, better focus but you don't really want to be spending your big hitter's dice on that. Good ability, but may not even trigger, and Guardian. I don't think Elite is likely to be worth it - certainly he doesn't seem to offer much over Luke in that role. But at 16 points, he's cheap enough that he could work well with a second good cheapish attacker, where you're much happier to spend his focus on improving their damage, and they are more likely to try to get him off the table particularly once he starts sucking up damage with Guardian.

Anakin seems interesting. At this stage he does feel a bit like Grieveous, with a cost/dice that doesn't quite fit in with Villains. But the damage output might make up for it.

Rise Again is almost certainly too expensive at this point. The upgrade rider is nice, but you usually want to play upgrades via cheating the cost or replacing them, neither of which is an option with an event. Well, at this stage - we've already seen some other stuff that lets you play events for free, so maybe Villain Blue will get something.

Carbon Freezing Chamber seems......way too good? Seriously, it's an aggro players dream, and preemptively shuts down a LOT of slower decks. Feels like it's a bad idea that promotes the 'Spam gun and shoot people' mindless aggro meta with this.

34 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Carbon Freezing Chamber seems......way too good? Seriously, it's an aggro players dream, and preemptively shuts down a LOT of slower decks. Feels like it's a bad idea that promotes the 'Spam gun and shoot people' mindless aggro meta with this.

I agree with your value assessment but see this benefiting yellow control more than aggro. With cards like crime lord, and prized possession we are getting dangerously close to a deck that can completely lock a person out.

Don't like the direction this game is heading at all but will continue to watch it cautiously. I have seen rules discussions, infinite loops and poor game mechanics with ambiguous intent surfacing already and this set looks already to be adding some real lockdown threats. How long is it going to be before there is a meta consisting of 2 decks and anything else is garbage? I know it happens a lot in ccg's but in good ones it doesn't happen so fast.

9 minutes ago, LordFajubi said:

I agree with your value assessment but see this benefiting yellow control more than aggro. With cards like crime lord, and prized possession we are getting dangerously close to a deck that can completely lock a person out.

The thing is...when does control claim the battlefield? They generally want to shut down the opponents plays, and then play as much of their turn unhindered as possible. There's a reason that a lot of decks take the battlefield that has the least negative impact on them, because they simply don't intent to claim in the vast majority of cases. I can't see this benefiting most control builds in an aggro match up (It is, potentially, more beneficial in a control vs control match up. I still don't think many decks would take it due to the risk of having it turned against them).

When is aggro going to claim this to make sure a control team doesn't? First move? Second? Paranoia is the key to control and if you claim it to keep them from having it they get a full unopposed turn to wreck you. I didn't say we are fully there yet but there are lots of unspoiled cards and I am no shark and I see potential there. I gurantee some more statistics inclined players will get lockdowns with this thing helping.

It's hard to asses Ben but remember that we saw 2 of 12 new hero characters so far. Right now he looks like a better single than elite version, pairing with eRey, eAckbar or ePadme but maybe we will some good fighting characters with 10/14 or non-unique 7 costs one.

Think about mid-game Ben's death combo with Noble Sacrifice him when he has i.e. 1HP left, to exhaust opponent's main character and then play One with the Force for free. It's very thematic and powerfull. You may end up with a turn without opponent's rolls while you can do 6-10 with your upgraded eRay and OWTF as a support.

Edited by NetCop


If Obi-Wan has 1 health, I activate him and guardian 1+ damage, his action triggers and I choose to Willpower to move 1 damage from Obi to my opponents character, does he live since he no longer has more damage on him than his health? I say 1+ because they recently changed the ruling to any damage over a character's health is ignored.

Seems like this would make Obi pretty insane if it worked. Or perhaps it doesn't work and he is as good as advertised.

2 minutes ago, Hida77 said:


If Obi-Wan has 1 health, I activate him and guardian 1+ damage, his action triggers and I choose to Willpower to move 1 damage from Obi to my opponents character, does he live since he no longer has more damage on him than his health? I say 1+ because they recently changed the ruling to any damage over a character's health is ignored.

Seems like this would make Obi pretty insane if it worked. Or perhaps it doesn't work and he is as good as advertised.

On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 0:00 PM, CBMarkham said:

I guess eVader(Dark Apprentice) with eKylo will be a thing.

Can that build be forever known as "Emo Team-O"?

6 minutes ago, Derpzilla88 said:

Can that build be forever known as "Emo Team-O"?


so here is a question if you play noble sacrifice on obi-wan and that triggers his ability can you play it on him from discard to exhaust another character and since he is defeated again can you then play one with the force on another character

I am thinking noble sacrifice doesn't fully resolve in time to hit the discard pile do to the Before wording on Obi. On top of that, Obi is defeated by the first noble, so even if you had a second, you are playing a noble on a character already defeated, so it would have no effect.

I think you are right but I also really think we need some clarification

Queue will look like this:

1. Event: Noble Scariface on Ben

2. Ben's Before die effect triggers - you choose and play Noble Sacrifice and put that event at the end of queue.

3. Ben dies

4. Second Noble Sacrifice do nothing on Ben because he's not in play anymore