Team covenant spoilers

By jimbrewersbro, in Star Wars: Destiny

Darth Vader (Anakin)

Obi Wan

Can you spell it out? I don't have time to watch a video at present.

Wow! Was not expecting young Darth Vader so soon.

A second vader, as a rare instead of legendary. He's full on aggro :)

Obi-Wan is going to make the discard to draw mechanic a whole lot more interesting.

9 minutes ago, Glucose98 said:

A second vader, as a rare instead of legendary. He's full on aggro :)

I guess eVader(Dark Apprentice) with eKylo will be a thing.

...**** emo, force-using, punk teenagers. /fistshake

Old Ben and the Emperor as Legendaries is rough. Hope those are the only OT Legendaries to chase.

So now we have 4 Legendaries that have been spoiled:

Director Krennic


Force Lightning

Obi-Wan Kenobi

I wonder who else they've got in there.

3 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

So now we have 4 Legendaries that have been spoiled:

Director Krennic


Force Lightning

Obi-Wan Kenobi

I wonder who else they've got in there.

Crossing fingers for Chewie

I'm assuming the intended target for Ben is OWTF. I really dig the guardian / death trigger combo.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
Just now, blackholexan said:

Crossing fingers for Chewie

I hope that Chewie is only a rare.

4 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I'm assuming the intended target for Ben is OWTF. I really dig the guardian / death trigger combo.

That's what they said in the video. This must've been recorded a long time ago. They still hadn't seen Rouge One at the time it was filmed.

Also, so much for not making the best cards legendary. Lies. e-Ben with OWTF is four right there. Palpatine with Force Lightning and Choke etc.

1 minute ago, dpb1298 said:

Also, so much for not making the best cards legendary. Lies. e-Ben with OWTF is four right there. Palpatine with Force Lightning and Choke etc.

Yea, Vader, Han, and Luke hurt in Awakenings by being pricey Legendaries. I'm hoping there might be some trend to release alternate versions of some Legendaries in future expansions. Kind of like OT Vader being Legendary in Awakenings and PT Vader being Rare in SoR.

Crossing my fingers for an alternate Han to go with a potential Chewie as Rares in SoR.

9 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

Also, so much for not making the best cards legendary. Lies. e-Ben with OWTF is four right there. Palpatine with Force Lightning and Choke etc.

You have no actual idea if those combos will actually be viable let alone the best.

I don't know why you'd run eBen; he's only got one die face with 3 damage, and 20 points is a lot for a support character that's clearly intended to martyr himself. 16 points seems slightly more reasonable, and leaves you some room for an actual win condition (Ackbar, Padme, etc). Now we just need those 7 point non-uniques on the hero side...

So, how do we rate eVader 2.0 and Grievous against eGrievous and Dooku?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
31 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

I hope that Chewie is only a rare.

I think it was said by Lukas that Han won't be flying Solo for long.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I don't know why you'd run eBen; he's only got one die face with 3 damage, and 20 points is a lot for a support character that's clearly intended to martyr himself. 16 points seems slightly more reasonable, and leaves you some room for an actual win condition (Ackbar, Padme, etc). Now we just need those 7 point non-uniques on the hero side...

So, how do we rate eVader 2.0 and Grievous against eGrievous and Dooku?

i'm in agreement on this, when i first looked at it i thought to myself, there's a $10 legendary if i've ever seen one

if he gets played it will be for the 1 dice version, and i'm not sure even then he's justifiable at 16 points

I'm equally disappointed, I was hoping for a low cost blue unique here, especially when 4 dice starts seem to be sought after.

Also, there isn't room for a thematic Luke/Obi game unless they add a rare (farm boy Luke) card.

I just dislike the limited options here when Obi Wan is my favorite Character, and doesn't feel strong enough to justify it.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I'm assuming the intended target for Ben is OWTF. I really dig the guardian / death trigger combo.

What do you think of his cost? I feel like it's very high for a one time use ability and for a good but not great die.

Edited by AlexW

Oh no, I think he'll be strong as all get out if we can squeeze 3 characters in there. You can currently get 3 dice with a lone Ben, but I don't think a two character health pool will be competitive.

7 minutes ago, AlexW said:

What do you think of his cost? I feel like it's very high for a one time use ability and for a good but not great die.

Cost is all relative, so it depends on the other characters we get to pair him with and the strength of blue cards going forward. What if there's a really strong blue event in the works? But yeah, 20 is too much, and 16 is pushing it with the current card pool. He kind of gives me a Jabba vibe in a weird sort of way. I still really like him, though.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Both characters are fun. I really like Rise Again and the Carbon Freezing chamber, too.

3 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

So, how do we rate eVader 2.0 and Grievous against eGrievous and Dooku?

I think that deck might burn too bright and too fast. The nice thing about dooku grevious is you can build up dooku while people take out grievous and then you have a hard to kill threat to hopefully close the game. I think Anakin's special makes him a bit squishy

Edited by jimbrewersbro