While playing the following q uestion has come up .
If Damage is assigned to a Unit during the battlefield phase through an action of a spell or an action of another unit , and thus the damaged unit has damage equal to or higher than it's hit points , is it instantly removed from play or at the end of the battlefield phase ? Is such damage combat damage because the damage happens during the battlefield phase or is it non- combat damage because it is trigged by an action ?
What exactly is meant by the phrase :
" Both players now apply the assigned damage to the cards to which it has been assigned ."? Is this only damage dealt directly through power icons or also damage through actions such as spells , tac tics and so on?
In the official rulebook units which have more or equal damage than th ei r hit points are removed in the last phase of the batt le field phase :
" Any unit that has as many ( or more ) damage tokens on it as it has hit points is destroyed ( and discarded )." ( page 13, Warhammer : Invasion Rule of Play)
Does this only apply to the fifth phase of combat or are unites also removed in other phases of the battlefield phase when their damage tokens are equal to or higher to their hit points ?
Further more in the Warhammer : Invasion FAQ 2.2 it is stated on Page 15 in the last paragraph of phase 4 of the battlefield phase that :
" Damage is applied and its effects resolve . Units and legends leave play if they have damage equal to or greater than their hit points ."
Again the question here is if only d amage is meant that is directly allocated through power icons or also through actions .
Cards that have raised this question in the past are for example the Imperial "War Machine Emplacement" which states : " Action: Spend 2 resources to deal 2 damage to target attacking unit ( limit once per turn)."
Is the target unit instantly removed from play if this damage is greater than it's thresh old or is it removed at the end of the battlefield phase and can thus deal it's damage as well ?
Another card is the High Elven " Sea Guard Captain" which states : " Action: When this unit attacks , deal 1 indirect damage to target opponent ( players allocate their own indirect damage .)
If the player allocates this indirect damage (and thus Non-Combat damage) to a defending unit and thus the hit point thresh old is crossed , is the unit still able to defend till the end of the battlefield phase or removed from play immediately ?
Hoping for some answers
Cheers Lithoan