I got this today. The galaxy map is great and the adventure looks fun. I was a wee bit dissapointed there were not two more downloadable characters.
I got this today. The galaxy map is great and the adventure looks fun. I was a wee bit dissapointed there were not two more downloadable characters.
Yeah. Everyone was expecting a Force Sensitive and perhaps a BB-series droid as additional characters.
I was disappointed no T-70 or other ships
I will be interested to know, when this trilogy is over, if anyone from FFG will be willing to comment on this promotional product -- what their desires were, what their limitations were, what their time constraints were, etc. I think it will really shed some light onto why this product has so much that is just almost close to what people wanted, but still not quite there.
Except for the map. Which may have to be updated per episode.
Contextually, I think we can conclude that there was a pretty short window for them. LFL was clearly in advance communication with FFG on the movie, as X-Wing saw minis released around the same time as the movie, while this Beginner Game wasn't even announced until the movie was already available on home video.
i imagine the lack of F&D characters was a mandate, to emphasize the movie's title/plot - Force users are effectively unheard of at this point in the timeline.
Lack of "generic" vehicles/gear fits with the format of the Beginner Games, while leaving the door open for a future sourcebook for the trilogy as a whole.
All pure speculation, of course, but I think the logic tracks.
If you do want more characters the 2 Edge and 2 Age free ones could easily be integrated with a change to their story. As for why there wasn't the expected Jedi characters i definitely agree with Nytwyng. LFL would have said something along the lines of "no Force"