Played the first 3 sets of the CCG and stopped. Not sure why. Glad to be back.
Played the first 3 sets of the CCG and stopped. Not sure why. Glad to be back.
Hampton Roads, VA
Just read the first two books because I saw this card game. It makes all the difference when playing. Still very new to the game though.
teh-V1s1on said:
Just read the first two books because I saw this card game. It makes all the difference when playing. Still very new to the game though.
It was EXACTLY the same situation with me! Wow, what a coincidence.
Warsaw, Poland
San Diego, CA
New player. Picked up Warhammer Invasion a few months ago and got hooked on the LCC's. Just got AGOT and CoC this week. Enjoying all three.
I would venture to guess that most of GoT's community got into it because the novels were so great. I know that's how I found the game and why I love playing it. That world is so brutal and gritty. I bought the board game and it had a flier advertising the CCG and I was scared because I knew how devastating to my pocket book a CCG could be. I put it off for about a year, then finally broke down on my birthday in Lansing and bought a local store out of all of their I&F starter packs. Valerian was in cycle at the time and with ktom and the community's help we figured out how to get current and then blam! Next thing we know, we're buying tons of cards and playing tourneys! Great fun, met so many wonderful people playing this game.
For me as well it was the novels I read 3 years ago. I am a new LCG player. The SOIAF flavor gives the game a giddy factor. And of course, HBO, etc. I am a big fan of the related art FFG produces. I would imagine it'd be similar with the Warcraft fantasy theme, and even Lovecraft, both of which I am curious about. Having local people to play with has been key to my interest in the game. A GRRM fan who also likes playing cards? That's quality people.
Have so far read all the books and was looking into the CCG before realising that it had been converted to the LCG format (not much information on it in Australia). Had my first game last night with a group of friends who have also read the books - gotta say was really impressed and played out in some situations as crazily and brutally as some of the books.
Definitely looking at expanding my collection and having some huge AGoT melee nights.
Always been a huge fan of the series, read it many a time.
I'm looking at getting in the core set soon and seeing who I can get hooked in my area to play!
Fingers crossed!
Finished the first 2 books (working on the next 2, figure I have time considering how long the 5th book is taking)
Bought the core set last week, was able to get a full 4 player game going yesterday. Only 1 of my 3 opponents had read the books, but the other 2 are very much into the genre. I let them pick their houses first (big mistake as I wanted to play Stark first). I ended up playing Baratheon, which ended up being quite fun. The rules were easy to follow, and after the first 2-3 rounds, we were off to the races (only flipping through the book for quick clarifications now and then). Have to say, I am quite impressed with the way the Houses were designed, and how most of the characters' powers are spot on to their behaviors in the books! That must have been quite the effort!
Now i'm on the hunt for the Princes and Kings expansions to get Martell and Greyjoy into the mix... as well as some of the "must have" chapter packs i'm reading about
Anyway, enough about me as a new player, hope to be here for quite some time!
Alright, now that I've actually gotten the chance to play this game I think I can call myself a new player.
I have actually not read any of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels (I know Martin more for the Wild Cards series), though i have read "The Hedge Knight", which was excellent.
Only two jousts so far, which were fun, though I look forward to trying melee. If I can get together a regular play group I'll look at expanding my collection but for now the Core set is sufficient for my needs.
Columbus, OH
Missouri Valley, IA
havent actually played yet but looking forward to it, i read the novels and decided to buy this, the boardgame and Battles of Westeros.
Boston, MA
I used to play a lot in the past, and I like to think I was pretty good back in the days of Ice and Fire. I'm finding more and more that I love the LCG format so much. I also play Warhammer: Invasion, but AGOT has stunned me recently with some of the cards that came out. A big thanks to Nate French for the direction the game is taking - you're a stand-up person if ever there was one.
I really like the strategy this game provides, and I like coming up with unique strategies that people haven't seen or imagined.
I'm always up for games on OCTGN. You can add me on Facebook if you'd like, or hit me up on Google Talk/gmail at That's my email on FB, too.
Hey all. Im a new player of the AGOT LCG. Ive chosen Stark as my initial house and soon intend to add to my Houses as I become more familiar with the cards. Just wanted to say hello.
Richard Snow said:
Hey all. Im a new player of the AGOT LCG. Ive chosen Stark as my initial house and soon intend to add to my Houses as I become more familiar with the cards. Just wanted to say hello.
Where are you from?
Tried a few rounds of the print-and-play mini-version from the 'support' page, and am now waiting for my Core Set to arrive in the post. Have read all the books so far, and from what I've seen I like the way they've captured the different characters and houses. Looking forward to playing properly.
Well I have been collecting this since last year when I started with W:I too. But just started playing it last week with a friend and then taught another friend home from out West. We seem to like this one better than W:I. So guess I am new as just started playing it last week.
Congratulations to the AGOT design Team.
Here's why: Tomorrow's my birthday. I decided that I'd like to try a LCG. I was torn between W:I and CoC. I asked my wife about them, and unsurprisingly she was drawn to Lord of the Rings. But with that months and month away, I showed her the video tutorials to W:I and CoC. She reckoned they looked okay and cool (in that order), but then to my surprise she pointed to AGOT and said,
"Tell me about that one."
After watching THOSE video Tutorials and discussion about themes and what the Martin novels are like.. she said AGOT looked awesome (behind the cooperative nature of Lord of the Rings).
So one Core Set is in the mail right now. You sold a box.
Jackson/ E. Lansing, MI
Just picked up the core set and awaiting my first few chapter packs to arrive @ my FLGS soon.
The LCG format was what really hooked me. No more getting burned by having to buy random boosters to get the good cards!
I'm hoping to entice more people in my area to play as well.
consider this my shoutout. i'm back baby!
also, matt "themountainthatpwns"!? where have you been man!?
I'm coming back! Confused about the whole LCG thing b/c I was playing when it was a CCG. But i'll figure it out.
Its pretty straight forward really. Everything is fixed so you know what you are buying.
Recently got into this wonderful game.
Have managed to score all the cards from the Iron Thrones Edition (CCG) onwards.
Now I just gotta find more people to play with in little old Australia. LOL
My name is Integrity. I just got the game for my signifigant other as a very belated birthday present yesterday. Sadly, I didn't purchase the game from FFG because, despite my emails and calls, I never got a reply and bought it elsewhere.
That aside, I'm already in love with the game. I won both matches I've played (Core Set Lannister v.s. Stark & Core Set Baratheon v.s. Targaryen; me as the former in both instances). At the moment, I'm fully intending to enjoy the core set until I have the money to start ordering Chapter packs. What I'm trying to go ahead and do, however, is come up with that house/deck I'd want to build towards. I've looked through the deck building forum, and I've only found an archetype/deck type list for Lannister.
Though that is my favorite house in the book, I hear that Lannister seems to be the tournament winning house at the moment, and, still being a Magic: the Gathering player, dislike playing the Meta or "net decking". I was wondering if there was a better list of deck archetypes available, or what sites would be best for doing research on such topics. One of the things I loved about M:tG was the gatherer, and I was wondering if AGoT LCG had any place I could do research in a similar manner.
Either way, I'm ecstatic about this new game, and hope to enjoy the game as much as I did the book series (if not even more).
Philly, Pa
I'm a new player and looking for people to show me the ropes. I got my core set a while back after the reprint when everyone was scrounging for a copy and bought a few chapter packs as well. I was attracted to the game because the Martin books are spectacular and thought it looked like fun. Anyway, I'm on the look out for local folks who want to play and go over some of the nuances.
Another new player here, in the Minneapolis area. My wife & I got the core set this week, and are loving it so far. I dabbled in Magic years ago but this seems much more balanced, fun, and interesting - the multi-player dynamic is especially fascinating. We're planning to go to the Days of Ice & Fire event next weekend and get in on some beginner matches.