How many characters?

By FrogTrigger, in Star Wars: Destiny


Star Wars ™: Destiny has been out for just a few weeks, but thousands of players are already diving into the Awakenings cardpool, exploring how to make the best teams and play out epic duels from your imagination in the Star Wars universe.

Pulling a team together and building your deck isn’t always easy, so today, we invite guest writer Tiny Grimes to explore some of the advantages behind playing a team of three characters in your games of Star Wars : Destiny!

I must say I hadn't thought of that hero mill combo. I wonder if it's any good (Has anyone experienced it?). I still think eJyn-Ackbar or eJyn-Padme will be better though.

I am dabbling with it, but it doesn't feel tier 1 yet, but I am also not a tier 1 player either! Haha

I have had a couple wins with it, it's tough staying alive long enough.

Interesting that while Vader/Raider is mentioned, the article favors a less financially expensive deck. Force Choke is probably the most $$$ costly card in the whole deck.

I wrote this article in early December. A lot has changed with the game since that time. I think the article has a lot of good information, but the deck probably needs to be changed. The character suite is interesting. I would probably change the following. I would add 2 Force Training, 1 Kylo Saber, and 1 Backup Muscle. I would remove Speeder Bike Scout, Gaffi Stick, Reversal, Flank, and perhaps Crime Lord. With these changes, it would still play as a late game Dooku deck, but with some of the more powerful cards in the game. Funny enough, it would remain as a budget deck.

@TinyGrimes I have been working and testing a somewhat similar version just with a few different characters. Why would you change out gaffi over the lightsaber? and do you think immobilize is worth running either over force training or in addition to it?

Edited by abell19

Because Lightsaber is better?

Is it that much better to justify 3 cost over 2?

37 minutes ago, abell19 said:

Is it that much better to justify 3 cost over 2?

You can bind all things a light saber too.

3 hours ago, TinyGrimes said:

I wrote this article in early December. A lot has changed with the game since that time. I think the article has a lot of good information, but the deck probably needs to be changed. The character suite is interesting. I would probably change the following. I would add 2 Force Training, 1 Kylo Saber, and 1 Backup Muscle. I would remove Speeder Bike Scout, Gaffi Stick, Reversal, Flank, and perhaps Crime Lord. With these changes, it would still play as a late game Dooku deck, but with some of the more powerful cards in the game. Funny enough, it would remain as a budget deck.

Yeah, one thing to note:

Having more characters makes it longer to kill all of your characters. It does not maje it take longer to kill a character. Usually makes it take less time if you are adding low cost characters.

Edited by Keigi
39 minutes ago, abell19 said:

Is it that much better to justify 3 cost over 2?


7 hours ago, dpb1298 said:

I must say I hadn't thought of that hero mill combo. I wonder if it's any good (Has anyone experienced it?). I still think eJyn-Ackbar or eJyn-Padme will be better though.

Main reason why light side mill doesn't work is lack of native 2 discard side on character dice.

Padme can burn two from the deck, but two from the hand is much, much better.

Jyn will fix part of this problem, but you still need another character with some discard. OR another character with specials that discard from deck.

Slow mill might be intent for light side. Fast mill might be intent for dark side. With characters like Jango, I prefer the fast mill.