Rey, Jango and Ambush Clarification

By Monkaroni, in Star Wars: Destiny

It does help, but the problem is that I haven't found anything concrete in the rules to support that. I would even say that it infers the opposite; actions are expressed in terms of durations, not currency. Now we have Lukas' intent to more or less corroborate the latter, but intent and rules are two different things.

If you are trying to play Magic with Destiny cards you are going to have problems. This is true of any game not called Magic.

During your turn you get to take an action. You fully carry out that action. If you are granted an addition action by effects in the first action, you then get to take a second action after the first action is finished. This is really straight forward.

People are trying to play tennis in a football game and that is just silly. You do your play. If you are granted another down, you then do another play. You don't stop your play in the middle of it, have everyone freeze, mark their spot, then run back to the line of scrimmage to run another play, then go back to their marked spots and finish up the previous play. Sorry, but that is just silly.

The back and forth in this game happens one action at a time. It's actually a much quicker pace with this back and forth than Magic with its turns full of all kinds of silly phases. I personally like it better.

See, that's what I mean. If you say "carry out an action" you're inferring a duration element, which it's becoming increasingly clear (to me) that actions don't have in Destiny. I'm not really sure how Magic ties into that.

And Mep, in your example you're implying that things can't freeze in the middle of a play while something else happens, but isn't that exactly what happens if we use the "action is a duration" model and then hammer out a queue mid-action? And how about before abilities, what's the football analogy for those?

Again, I'm not saying that the rules, as written, imply that actions are a currency; just the opposite. But it's helpful for me to think of them that way because then Lukas' ruling actually makes some sense.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Actions are plays. You can do several things for an action, kick a ball, pass the ball, run the ball. In those plays you have abilities, like catch a ball, make a tackle, dodge a tackle. What you cannot do is take a play inside of a play. You don't pass the ball, stop while the ball is in the air, then hand off the ball to the running back to run the ball up the field, then go back to the ball being up in the air. As part of the play you can have your running back make a block, Before the pass, so the ball is thrown before a tackle is made.

In the case of the Rey deck when you are granted multiple additional actions by abilities from the first action, you do need to keep track of them, sorta like currency I guess. A better way to think of them is maybe you get to play more downs.

The language is there, additional actions, not you can do more stuff in the current action, and the current action must be fully resolved and finished before you can do an additional action. I can kind of see where people are coming from by trying to do actions inside of actions but the way the game is actually played just makes so much sense it is hard for me to see why people are having difficulty seeing it.

Lukas goes back and forth in his email referring to actions both as a duration ("completing the action") and as a currency ("spending the action"). That's not helping make things any clearer, that's for sure.

A play has a duration, how long it takes to do all the things that happen in a play, and there is a finite number of downs. They are not mutually exclusive.

To take a page out of your book, this is Destiny, not football. You can't impose the rules of one on to the other. ;)

The level of rules invention here is inspiring - people are so creative!!

Just now, Buhallin said:

The level of rules invention here is inspiring - people are so creative!!

He's talking about you by the way, Mep. I've been on Buhallin's ignore list for years.

I can see how you end up on someone's ignore list. Huge difference between rules invention and explaining through analogy.

I'd cry myself to sleep at night if I didn't have so many likes to balance out the ignores.

I can explain through analogy too. Watch this: having an action in Destiny is like receiving priority in Magic. :D

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Which will happen first...?

Will FFG put out a comprehensive rule book detailing and covering every anomaly?

Or will Mep and WonderWAAAGH ever agree on something?

I'm betting neither will happen in this expansion...

I think pie is better than cake. Surely he and I can agree on that.

42 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I think pie is better than cake. Surely he and I can agree on that.


I do believe we agreed on one or two things in the past, but if FFG puts a Before effect on the release of a comprehensive rule book, me agreeing that pie is better than cake is moot.

At this point the queue becomes full with an argument over if Force of Will denying the consumption of a baked good happens in the same action FFG releases updated rules.

I vote for both. Pie and Cake.

12 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I think pie is better than cake. Surely he and I can agree on that.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes...


2 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:


Dude, ice cream and chocolate, chocolate ice cream!!

All desserts are created equal.

Far be it from me to wax Orwellian here, but some desserts are more equal than others.

47 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Far be it from me to wax Orwellian here, but some desserts are more equal than others.

Thread Dead. ?

It lived far too long.

Mep, you've grown quite cantankerous in your old age. You aren't rattled that I've been badmouthing cake, are you?

I will say cake has a special place in my gut, and in my ass and on my thighs......

White cake is the best, though I haven't quite determined the optimal way to phonetically* spell out the initial aspirated sound Leo style. Hhwhite cake just isn't cutting it.

* not to be confused with Phoenitically, since I don't think they partook of such baked goods in the Levantine region 2,500 years ago.