Custom Master Yoda!

By Quigman, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Contemplating making a Master Yoda and have a few ideas.

4 deployment points, 6 health, 4 movement, white defense, RY melee attack, auto +1 block, +1 evade. Surges for +1 dmg, pierce 3, focus.

Movement might get dropped to 3.

For abilities, I didn't want him to be a focus machine as Gideon already does that with C-3PO.

Light Side Aura - Friendly figures within 3 spaces roll an additional blue die while attacking and performing skill checks.

Not quite as good as a green focus, but it's a Yoda focus and could help out with some big range and a bit of damage/surges. Seems thematic as making a shot needing lots of accuracy will require some serious concentration.

Force Push - -> Roll a blue die and push a figure in your line of sight up to the accuracy rolled. If that figure is hostile, it suffers damage equal to the damage results.

Yoda is good at moving things, so why not!?

Force Ghost - When you are defeated, you remain on the board and may no longer attack or suffer damage. You also lose Force Push .

Basically, he becomes a force ghost that moves around and assists your group for the rest of the game with his aura.

What do you guys think? Am I missing anything? Is he too much or not enough? Maybe an ability that lets groups recover?

I'll upload the deployment card when it's ready. It's just a card made on Paint, but it looks great for home brew.

Edited by Quigman

Love it especially the force ghost. In a skirmish Would your opponent still get the points for killing him since he has force ghost? But I have to say he sounds awesome :D

6 minutes ago, LOTRHobbit said:

Love it especially the force ghost. In a skirmish Would your opponent still get the points for killing him since he has force ghost? But I have to say he sounds awesome :D

4 points awarded as he's technically been defeated, he just remains on the board. He'd still activate as per normal rules.

Here's the kicker! Because he's still on the board and activates, you could still play force user command cards with him as long as you adhere to the "you can no longer attack" hindrance from Force Ghost ;)

Perhaps I should clarify and state on the card " may no longer perform attack actions" instead of "you can no longer attack." That way, it's obvious you could still use something like force surge.

He can also be the target of attacks, he just doesn't take damage, so if a group is huddled around adjacent to him, blast is still fair game as he's still a valid target.

I think either his movement drops to 3 or his force aura drops to "within 2 spaces." I'm still leaning towards movement to 3.

Okay here's the trial version.

I'm going to make a small oven bake clay mini of him, shouldn't be too hard.


30 minutes ago, Quigman said:

Okay here's the trial version.

I'm going to make a small oven bake clay mini of him, shouldn't be too hard.



The nitpicker in me...

1) "skill checks" -> "attribute tests" (and extra pedantic: do they also add the results of the blue die roll to the results? "While performing an attack or attribute test, another friendly figure within 3 spaces may add a blue die to the pool.")

2) "no longer perform attack actions" - Can Battlefield Leadership let Yoda perform an attack, because it isn't an action? Also, Yoda has suffered damage upto his Health, so he cannot suffer more damage, so that part is superfluous - might be a good clarification though. "You lose Force Push ." cannot be a separate sentence, or it will apply always, not just while defeated. ("If you are defeated, you remain on the board and can activate normally, but cannot perform attacks.")

Although I'm not quite certain what that would mean to the damage Yoda has suffered, and what if Yoda recovers damage, is he no longer defeated?

So, I would suggest you make a double-sided card with " Force Ghost : When you have suffered damage up to your Health, before being defeated , turn this card over." And on the other side (without Force Push) " Force Ghost : You cannot be defeated and cannot perform attacks. At the start of a mission, remove all damage tokens and turn this card over." The last part to force him start on the right side.

Edited by a1bert
35 minutes ago, a1bert said:

The nitpicker in me...

1) "skill checks" -> "attribute tests" (and extra pedantic: do they also add the results of the blue die roll to the results? "While performing an attack or attribute test, another friendly figure within 3 spaces may add a blue die to the pool.")

2) "no longer perform attack actions" - Can Battlefield Leadership let Yoda perform an attack, because it isn't an action? Also, Yoda has suffered damage upto his Health, so he cannot suffer more damage, so that part is superfluous - might be a good clarification though. "You lose Force Push ." cannot be a separate sentence, or it will apply always, not just while defeated. ("If you are defeated, you remain on the board and can activate normally, but cannot perform attacks.")

Although I'm not quite certain what that would mean to the damage Yoda has suffered, and what if Yoda recovers damage, is he no longer defeated?

So, I would suggest you make a double-sided card with " Force Ghost : When you have suffered damage up to your Health, turn this card over." And on the other side (without Force Push) " Force Ghost : You cannot be defeated and cannot perform attacks. At the start of a mission, remove all damage tokens and turn this card over." The last part to force him start on the right side.

Wow! Excellent feedback, thank you!

1. Thanks, that was incorrect wording on my part.

2. I struggled to use "attacks" or "attack actions." The intention is that Yoda can't perform any attacks, but he'd still be able to cause damage with command cards. So Battlefield Leadership would be a no go. I suppose the Non-Combatant: You cannot attack like C-3PO already covers this.

I actually thought of having a force ghost card to simplify. Now that you've suggested it too, I really think that's the way to go. That way, I can just have the Light Side Aura ability, Non-Combatant, deployment cost to 0, cannot suffer damage.

On the main deployment card, just have the "replace with Yoda Force Ghost deployment card when you are defeated."

Note that using a trigger "when you are defeated" is problematic, because being defeated includes removing the figure from the map. Using "When you have suffered damage equal to your Health, before being defeated, replace this card with Yoda ( Force Ghost ) deployment card." would avoid that, and if Yoda Force Ghost contains "You cannot be defeated." , that would prevent being defeated even when Yoda has still suffered damage up to his Health. (Damage tokens are not removed because Yoda is not actually defeated.)

Note that Non-Combatant is not a keyword, it is just a name, so you need to include the 'ability' text in any case.

But, this all is really to combat rules lawyers and may be overkill.. :D

In order to prevent ghost Yoda from taking up a space or blocking line of sight, may try something like this:

Force Ghost - When you are defeated, replace the Yoda figure with the Yoda token . You may no longer attack or suffer damage, and you lose the Force Push ability .

That gives me an idea. Yoda Companion? ("Before becoming defeated, deploy Yoda companion to your space.")

Giving no attack pool to Yoda Companion will handle the non-attack part, and +2 dodge will handle the not being able to be defeated part (it will be a glorious moment if someone defeats Yoda after that.)

Edited by a1bert

With only +2 dodge he could still suffer damage through blast/cleave.

I suppose, as you've said, if you managed to kill him again that would be quite the accomplishment. Killing a 6 health figure with just cleave and blast, not an easy thing, especially considering he would be worth no victory points...

Maybe his force ghost companion version could be worth more victory points than the deployment card??? Hahaha!

The health of the Yoda companion can be different from Yoda himself. It can be set to any value to require a suitable amount of Blast and Cleave effort (and there are a few others like Shock Lance and Flamethrower).

Based on how Yoda is in the movies, the Force Ghost should become a pure support figure.

No attacking, cannot be targeted, cannot play command cards.

The ability should be a support abiliy, most suitably a re-roll or change dice ability perhaps? (Could be an aura effect, not an action)

Not sure if Force Ghost Yoda should also gain activations though...

Could easily have a token in place where he was defeated and have the light side aura around that...but that's a bit of a kamikaze style, which is not thematic to yoda at all.

There is also the possibility that when yoda is defeated, all force users add a blue die to their pool when performing attacks and attribute tests...but Yoda has a calming effect on everyone, not just force users.

Perhaps just some text on the force ghost card that states during his activation he may only perform move actions, doesn't block line of sight, and cannot suffer damage. That way, he's a walking aura bonus, which is what I initially visualized.

I have given in and created a number of characters that I really wanted to see in the game including:

Admiral Ackbar, Nien Nunb, Yoda, 4-Lom, Zuckuss, Lobot, Bib Fortuna, Wedge Antilles, Boushh, Grand Moff Tarkin, Tie Fighter Pilots (squad of 2), Scout Troopers (squad of 3), X-Wing Pilots (squad of 2), Mon Calamari Troopers (squad of 3), Shadow Troopers (squad of 3)(just painted the stormtrooper villain pack trio black with silver) , and also The Republic Commando squad of Boss, Fixer, Sev & Scorch (as a squad of 4 - 20 deployment points) also all 4 individually. I have cards for all the characters listed and found very compatible figures through WOTC minitures. I guess great minds think alike as I found the same image from The Force Unleashed 2 to be the best picture to fit in with the amazing artwork used in this game. I am using Yoda of Dagobah #45 for my insert. The Nien Nunb miniature isn't all that impressive but it works.


My Yoda is a bit higher than yours but I am really using him as a Force User in battle.

Edited by C3POFETT
forgot afterthought
On 2/7/2017 at 5:15 PM, Quigman said:

I suppose, as you've said, if you managed to kill him again that would be quite the accomplishment. Killing a 6 health figure with just cleave and blast, not an easy thing, especially considering he would be worth no victory points...


"Oh hello, I didn't see you come in."

I know that's more of a campaign thing, but I couldn't help myself. :P

Way, way too powerful for a 4 point figure. I get it, it's Yoda and Yoda should be relatively powerful. But the abilities you've given him are more appropriate for a figure in 6-8 range. My suggestions:

  1. Remove the surge for focus.
  2. Make his force ghost be dependent on his side having another force user in play. If "There is Another" is played by Leia, he remains until the end of round. If she plays it any round after his death, his ghost is placed in a square adjacent to her and remains until the end of round.
  3. Strip him of his built in +1 block.
  4. Tone down force push drastically. Moving a figure up to 5 spaces is just plain insane. Throw in being able to do the damage in there too makes this ability completely overpowered.

Well, considering his movement is only 3 and he's melee, I kind of like his force throw. It gives him a bit of a ranged attack/ "get over here" Shyla ability and there's no guarantee he'll be able to throw someone adjacent to himself.

Even if he pulls that off, if he doesn't kill what he threw next to him there's a good chance he's dead next turn.

Perhaps 6 points is fair as he does stick around and act as a walking blue focus...

I like the idea of force ghost only if there is another rebel force user as that's super thematic...also perhaps only helping force users too.

That makes things easier as force ghost could then read something like "when defeated place a force ghost token on all friendly force users and add 1 blue die to all attacks and attribute tests until the end of this mission."

I'd love to add more text to flesh out the abilities but I'm limited to low res ms paint as I don't have photoshop.


" If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"- Obi Wan Kenobi, A New Hope

Possibly overpowered for his cost, but why not have "Force Ghost" read as:

When you are defeated, to all Rebel skill checks and attacks for the rest of the mission.