Realistically, how much can I expect to spend on this game?

By FrogTrigger, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just bought the SOR saga set as well. I get a nostalgia high opening boosters back when I did the old Star Wars CCG, and then Pokemon. But now day's I just don't have money to waste buying X number random boxes with my fingers crossed.

Who ever came up with the saga set deserves a medal.

The saga sets are so **** tempting. I just don't know if TC gets in enough boxes to fulfill all those set orders.

32 minutes ago, Mep said:

The saga sets are so **** tempting. I just don't know if TC gets in enough boxes to fulfill all those set orders.

Well, if not then I'll be in the same position I'm currently in with the Awakenings set AKA: I'll have nothing and FFG will have missed out on a customer.

Until then, I'm really enjoying Rebellion their asymmetric board game.

I was on the fence as well. But I kind of talked myself into it after I'd figured out how much I've spent and I'm still short cards to make one full set let alone a double set. We'll see if they do better then some of the other online resellers. If not we can come on here an roast them. :) . I do find it interesting how tight TC appears to be with FFG. So maybe they will have better luck getting cards.

Realistically: $0 - $Budget

No idea man, that's up to you. You could borrow stuff, or go for having four of each card.

Up to you.

it depends greatly on what you want to play, how you buy, and if you sell.

i have about 1.5 boxes worth and sold enough of my good pulls that i'm only down about 20-50 bucks. i can build a few good decks

lots of decks are competitive that don't use expensive characters.

so my advice is to buy a few starters and pick up a couple of cheap characters as singles.

So not to nit pick, and I really appreciate everyone's feed back... but for those who keep saying "it's up to you depends what you want" I did out line in the first sentence the realistic goals:

" But realistically, dollar amount, what can someone who wants to play it competitively but probably stops at the Regional level expect to spend to compete? "

Play competitively, but the highest I would try to compete would be Regionals. I have no desire to take this to the top level or compete with 'pro' players.

1 hour ago, FrogTrigger said:

Play competitively, but the highest I would try to compete would be Regionals. I have no desire to take this to the top level or compete with 'pro' players.

As of the first set, I think this is the most competitive deck there is (although I'm fairly biased):

Even if it's not THE deck, it's very, very good. I've yet to lose a game with it. I'd certainly take it to a premier level event. That said, there are no legendary cards in the deck, and the character pool is even cheaper than Jango/Veers. The Holdout Blasters are expensive, but I think the whole deck is less than $100 at MM value (maybe?).

Jetpack is the second most expensive card, and I'm not 100% sold on it. The value that you get out of the card is very, very high for the 2 resource cost, but since you have flimsy characters and no real way to protect it, you can only play a Jetpack in certain circumstances where your opponent is whittling down a different character (I would not spend 2 resources on an upgrade unless I were fairly certain I could resolve the die twice), so if you had to swap those around for TIE Fighters, I think it'd only be slightly worse, and possibly even a lateral move.

Edit: Yeah, if you swap the 1x Electroshock for another Feel Your Anger, at MM prices, it's $85 with TIE Fighters and $108 with Jetpacks. Either way, you'll be able be pretty high-end competitive.

Edited by CBMarkham
12 hours ago, Mep said:

The saga sets are so **** tempting. I just don't know if TC gets in enough boxes to fulfill all those set orders.

I don't remember any stories of people complaining about not getting their pre-ordered Saga Set from TC to be honest.

I think the key to not being stuck with unfillable pre-orders seems to be not selling an indefinite amount. Looking at you MM.

I don't remember there being any stories either, other than TC saying they have very limited supply of them. Question, do they collect peoples money at the time of pre-order or do they wait until it ships?

3 hours ago, FrogTrigger said:

So not to nit pick, and I really appreciate everyone's feed back... but for those who keep saying "it's up to you depends what you want" I did out line in the first sentence the realistic goals:

" But realistically, dollar amount, what can someone who wants to play it competitively but probably stops at the Regional level expect to spend to compete? "

Play competitively, but the highest I would try to compete would be Regionals. I have no desire to take this to the top level or compete with 'pro' players.

When you say competitively, do you mean be able to play in the event? Do you mean win one game out of however many you play that day? Do you mean make the cut to the single elimination portion? Do you mean win the tournament?

And how likely do you want it to be that you accomplish the goal above? 0.1%, 25%, 75%?

kəmˈpedədəvlē /
  1. 1 .
    in a way that strives to gain or win something by defeating others.

I want to be able to show up and have a legit shot at winning and not just get blown out of the water.

In regards to the saga set. They do require upfront non refundable payment. On the other hand their box subscriptions don't appear to get charged until a few weeks before the product ships.

4 hours ago, Mep said:

Hey Froggy, put together this deck. You can take it to any local tournaments and be very competitive. The holdout blasters will cause your wallet a bit of pain, but they are what make this deck, and really most decks, competitive.

Awesome thanks for the help, I will dig into this right away.

On 2/8/2017 at 8:22 AM, FrogTrigger said:

So not to nit pick, and I really appreciate everyone's feed back... but for those who keep saying "it's up to you depends what you want" I did out line in the first sentence the realistic goals:

" But realistically, dollar amount, what can someone who wants to play it competitively but probably stops at the Regional level expect to spend to compete? "

Play competitively, but the highest I would try to compete would be Regionals. I have no desire to take this to the top level or compete with 'pro' players.

On 2/8/2017 at 0:05 PM, FrogTrigger said:
kəmˈpedədəvlē /
  1. 1 .
    in a way that strives to gain or win something by defeating others.

I want to be able to show up and have a legit shot at winning and not just get blown out of the water.

It's a lazy and subjective question.

It's lazy because you could have looked up the decks doing good in your meta. Then, you could have looked up the singles market prices. It's subjective because we have no idea what the meta in your area is; what the skill level in your area is; and what your skill level is.

My advice: spend $10.00 on table top simulator to test decks and to ensure you like the game. After that, if you are sold on game:

1. Buy singles for deck you like and have tried.

This is least expensive method for remaining competitive.


My advice for growing collection:

1. Buy two of each starter.

2. Buy one saga set from team covenant.

3. Buy one set booster box, or four set booster boxes if no saga set.

4. Buy and trade singles.

Edited by Keigi

Just one example:

I've purchased 2 of each starter and about 49 boosters. I have the ability to make 2, maybe 3 decks that can compete well on a local level. My pulls have been above average...12 Legendaries when odds are I should have pulled 8. I've enhanced my pulls with trading and shopping for deals on eBay. So my final cost is about $200. If I wanted, I could sell all my legendaries at current market prices and recoup all of my investment and be left with enough cards to be able to play casually in non-competitive games.

Nice kingbobb thanks for that example. I think being in Canada will handicap me slightly for the secondary market unfortunately.. but there are a few decent resources.

In Canada as well, I bought singles from Team Covenant. No problem.

Right but what about the shipping? Looks like their flat line for one card is $11 US, that's $14.50 Canadian... seems pretty steep for one card. I guess if you are placing a larger order..

Shipping is free from MM if you order $100 or more, at least in the U.S. Don't know if it would be different for Canada.

Ebay maybe your best bet. I would imagine CSI or MM could ship to Canada and would be cheaper than TC.

shipping stayed at $11.00 I ordered 7 cards 6 dice. I'd imagine it wouldn't go up unless you ordered a ton!