Upgrades Pattern Speculations

By blackholexan, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hello everyone!

I noticed a pattern in upgrades cards/dice distribution in the first set and I guess FFG will follow it (and complete it) in the next 2 sets.



Villain Side

1 ability

1 (ranged) weapon

Hero Side

1 ability

1 equipment

Neutral Side

2 (ranged) weapon

1 capacity

SoR : I guess we will see a Villain Melee weapon and a (2-cost) Hero Ranged Weapon, Neutral dice may be two melee weapons or a melee weapon and an ability

Following set : a Villain Equipment and a Hero Melee Weapon, Neutral dice may be two ability or one melee weapon and one ability



Villain Side

2 ability

1 (melee) weapon

1 equipment

Hero Side

2 ability

1 (melee) weapon

1 equipment

Neutral Side

3 ability

1 (melee) weapon

SoR : I guess we will see at least one Villain and/or Hero Ranged Weapon, one Neutral equipment.

Following set : we will got the opposite of what we got in SoR



Villain Side

1 ability

1 (melee) weapon

1 equipment

Hero Side

2 ability

1 (ranged) weapon

Neutral Side

1 ability

1 weapon

1 equipment

SoR : I guess we will see a Villain Ranged weapon and a Hero Melee Weapon or Equipment. Neutral dice may be one of each type as in AwK and one of them (the equipment or the ability) will be a Legendary.

Following set : Neutral dice may be one of each type as in AwK and one of them (the equipment or the ability, the one not in SoR) will be a Legendary.



Villain Side

1 (ranged) weapon

Hero Side

1 (melee) weapon

Neutral Side

2 equipments

1 weapon

SoR, following set : I guess we will see a Villain Melee weapon and a Hero Ranged Weapon. IF SoR willl have one less Grey Slot, they will have one Hero/Villain weapon OR support die in SoR and the other in the following set. Neutral dice will again be equipments and/or weapons as I really don't know how to figure a colorless ability

Edited by blackholexan

Ideally I hope to see the following (red melee weapons), a blue vehicles maybe vader's custom tie for villian and maybe luke's x-wing red 5.

For grey slot I'd love to see a vibro knife (ambush 1 cost) and an emergency med pack (works like a reverse backup muscle but goes away when its last charge is used)

I'd really like to see a yellow hero event like detonate the charges which would be 3 cost and would allow you to name a support and remove any supports with the same name on the board.

It probably won't happen but I'd love to see a blue ability (battle meditation) 4 cost that has shield 1 shield 2 focus 2 focus 3 special special the specials allow you to resolve a number of dice equal to your blue upgrades on the character if they are your dice you increase their value by 1. and if they are your opponents dice decreasing their value by 1.

1 hour ago, amrothe said:

Ideally I hope to see the following (red melee weapons), a blue vehicles maybe vader's custom tie for villian and maybe luke's x-wing red 5.

For grey slot I'd love to see a vibro knife (ambush 1 cost) and an emergency med pack (works like a reverse backup muscle but goes away when its last charge is used)

I'd really like to see a yellow hero event like detonate the charges which would be 3 cost and would allow you to name a support and remove any supports with the same name on the board.

It probably won't happen but I'd love to see a blue ability (battle meditation) 4 cost that has shield 1 shield 2 focus 2 focus 3 special special the specials allow you to resolve a number of dice equal to your blue upgrades on the character if they are your dice you increase their value by 1. and if they are your opponents dice decreasing their value by 1.

Hopefully your yellow hero event won't come true... it would be stupid to make it possible to remove an AT-ST (costing 6) with 3-cost event... that is the reason why you need 6 ressources and the special side of an AT-ST to remove an other upgrade... otherwise the balancing would suck...

Yeah it's always easier to blow something up then it is to build it =) I mean right now cunning can destroy an AT-ST and it only costs 2.

22 minutes ago, amrothe said:

Yeah it's always easier to blow something up then it is to build it =) I mean right now cunning can destroy an AT-ST and it only costs 2.

I am not sure if this is right as with cunning you are copying the card itself and you can't destroy the copied card itself... look at FAQ for Sith Holocron and Thermal Detonator... but maybe I am wrong...

Edited by Veritas85
Typin error
6 hours ago, Veritas85 said:

I am not sure if this is right as with cunning you are copying the card itself and you can't destroy the copied card itself... look at FAQ for Sith Holocron and Thermal Detonator... but maybe I am wrong...

You can blow up At-St with cunning. As to the original topic, "one lab rat does not an experitiment make."

There needs to be more than one set to determine a pattern.

Edited by Keigi
1 hour ago, Keigi said:

You can blow up At-St with cunning. As to the original topic, "one lab rat does not an experitiment make."

There needs to be more than one set to determine a pattern.


On 2/6/2017 at 9:16 AM, amrothe said:

blue vehicles maybe vader's custom tie for villian and maybe luke's x-wing red 5.

As much sense as it would be for them to match the color of the character they are intended for, I don't see how they'd belong in blue. I imagine they would be red, with the intention that if you want to play them in the same decks as their ships, they need to be accompanied by military friends. I'd prefer blue to remain purely force-related.

Jedi Starfighter would make sense as a blue Support

5 hours ago, Traxlenak said:

Jedi Starfighter would make sense as a blue Support

Yeah, that would be a good one.