Painting Guide for The Rebels

By R2-EQ, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Wow, I painted my miniatures and they look just good, but yours look AWESOME!!

Edited by Lemmiwinks86

Your work is quite impressive and inspiring, that it has me on the verge of painting them, too. But I'm afraid of it might drive me into madness.

Your work is impressing indeed. I took and am still taking heavy inspiration from your guide. Those transports are top notch and i am really eager to have mine look like exactly yours. I will be posting pictures of mine as well once they're all finished.

On 14.2.2017 at 9:01 PM, allenkwest said:

Your work is quite impressive and inspiring, that it has me on the verge of painting them, too. But I'm afraid of it might drive me into madness.

The stormtroopers almost drove me into madness. I am dreading painting the Tie-Fighters, since they're even smaller than the Stormtroopers. Though, on the other hand my painted troopers look amazing and i shed no tear spending every evening of a whole week painting until the late ours. It sure is a drag (only because it gets too monotonous when painting the same model over and over again) but in the end i think it is really worth it.

On 2/14/2017 at 3:01 PM, allenkwest said:

Your work is quite impressive and inspiring, that it has me on the verge of painting them, too. But I'm afraid of it might drive me into madness.

Haha, ya that's the problem with painting.

As I said in the article, I suggest you do the Imperials first. They are "easier to paint" and there are more of them. Once they are completed, the task doesn't seem as daunting. Managing your painting queue and your mind is just as important as having "painting skills." It's better to have everything painted at 70% than almost nothing painting at 95% skill level.

Keeping the queue moving along is more important, imho, than the level of the paint job.

So ya, it can drive you crazy, but that comes with painting miniatures.

On 2/15/2017 at 6:39 PM, Raahk said:

Your work is impressing indeed. I took and am still taking heavy inspiration from your guide. Those transports are top notch and i am really eager to have mine look like exactly yours. I will be posting pictures of mine as well once they're all finished.

The stormtroopers almost drove me into madness. I am dreading painting the Tie-Fighters, since they're even smaller than the Stormtroopers. Though, on the other hand my painted troopers look amazing and i shed no tear spending every evening of a whole week painting until the late ours. It sure is a drag (only because it gets too monotonous when painting the same model over and over again) but in the end i think it is really worth it.

I look forward to seeing your pictures.

Stormtroopers are indeed very monotonous to paint, and take lots of time. I find that listening to a good audio book, podcast or interview off Youtube while painting helps ease the burden.

I also suggest stretching after painting for a while. My arm actually got rather sore painting stormtroopers. Better to be consistent, take care of you body while painting with breaks, than just "plow through" until you drop because you fear you might not come back to the painting table.

On 21.2.2017 at 10:17 PM, R2-EQ said:

I look forward to seeing your pictures.

It will take some time until i have everything painted. I am currently painting the Tie-Fighters and plan on doing the Corellian Corvettes and/or Mon Calamaris next. After that, only the Star Destroyers and the Death Stars need some work until i have all my minatures painted. As i am quite new to painting i am still trying to figure out new techniques and apply them 'learning by doing' (e.g. edge highlighting is something that most probably will look great on star destroyers or the death stars.

On 21.2.2017 at 10:17 PM, R2-EQ said:

I find that listening to a good audio book, podcast or interview off Youtube while painting helps ease the burden.

That is exactly what I do. I really enjoy listening to audio books of H.P. Lovecraft's work (I became a huge fan after buying into Eldritch Horror and all of its expansions). There is a great youtube channel that features a lot of his stories with very good readers.

Edit: I am stupid. I forgot about the AT-STs, AT-ATs and Super Star Destroyers. Plenty of work ahead!

Edited by Raahk
On 2/27/2017 at 6:04 PM, Raahk said:

i am still trying to figure out new techniques and apply them 'learning by doing' (e.g. edge highlighting is something that most probably will look great on star destroyers or the death stars.

I'd suggest you don't edge highlight the Star Destroyers or anything Imperial. They only need some drybrushing. You can build up the drybrush highlight by starting with a darker colour first, and then finishing off with something closer to white. Edge highlights will take too much time and not worth it for the results vs drybrushing. If you're doing tanks, machines etc, a drybrush will give it a very natural highlight because they are full of angled edges.

Wow. Great job!

What brushes and where do you get them and the paint?

It'd be fabulous to play a game with those. Just awesome.

On 3/1/2017 at 11:36 PM, Augster said:

What brushes and where do you get them and the paint?

It'd be fabulous to play a game with those. Just awesome.

I have some small painting brushes that I bought from various art stores many years ago. I also have some GW brushes I found years ago for a good price (bought it from someone online selling for cheap). Generally however, GW brushes and products are grossly overpriced although good quality.

If you are looking for brushes, make sure they are "sable brushes." You can find good brushes in almost any art store. I live in Toronto, so I have tons of options. If you live in a small town, then perhaps ordering online is the best bet for you.

As far as paints go, I use Vallejo paints. I love them because they are good quality and have eye dropper-like bottles. Those bottles seal very well, and can dispense paint by drops, which allows you to keep your mixes consistent (2 drops white, 1 drop blue for example).

GW makes great ink ranges, and I love their Nuln Oil paint, it is very versatile.

I bought my Vallejo paints as I needed them at a Hobby Store here in Toronto (Meeplemart) but that is an expensive way of doing it. If you buy them in boxes they are cheaper that way. I'm sure online you can find good deals.

It is fun playing with a painted set. I don't play this game enough, but I had a chance to last night and everything looked beautiful on the table.

OK... R2-EQ. It has begun, the start of my insanity, the start of painting Rebellion. Your article is the main inspiration to it all and with the few ships that I have completed so far, I am excited in taking these first few steps.

3 hours ago, allenkwest said:

OK... R2-EQ. It has begun, the start of my insanity, the start of painting Rebellion. Your article is the main inspiration to it all and with the few ships that I have completed so far, I am excited in taking these first few steps.

On 2/21/2017 at 10:17 PM, R2-EQ said:

Managing your painting queue and your mind is just as important as having "painting skills.

I can't stress enough how important R2-EQs advice is. I had 24 Tie Fighters laying around for 2 weeks because i was demotivated by the sheer number of them :D

My Progress so far: Corellian Corvettes, Star Destroyers, AT-STs, Super Star Destroyers and Deathstars are still to be painted.

On 3/1/2017 at 9:11 PM, R2-EQ said:

I'd suggest you don't edge highlight the Star Destroyers or anything Imperial. They only need some drybrushing.

Thank you very much with that advice. I drybrushed my AT-ATs and they look phenomenal :)

I promise i will post pictures of all my painted miniatures once they are finished ^_^

Edited by Raahk
On 3/8/2017 at 1:00 PM, allenkwest said:

OK... R2-EQ. It has begun, the start of my insanity, the start of painting Rebellion. Your article is the main inspiration to it all and with the few ships that I have completed so far, I am excited in taking these first few steps.

That's good to hear! Doing those painting articles took a long time, much longer than I thought they would. One of the motivating factors to get them done was the hope it would nudge someone on the fence about painting their set to take the plunge. I wanted to show it's not so scary an endeavour.

On 3/8/2017 at 4:15 PM, Raahk said:

Thank you very much with that advice. I drybrushed my AT-ATs and they look phenomenal :)

I promise i will post pictures of all my painted miniatures once they are finished ^_^

Sounds like a very promising start. Keep at it Raahk and post those pictures. I'd like to see how they turn out!

R2-EQ, the work you've done on the article was great and we'll appreciated for how it broke the job down into sections and made it more manageable in my mind. That kind of motivation make me thankful for all of the hard work you put into it.

I did watch Rob Oren's painting vids for Rebellion, but his goal was just to get it done quickly and not make it a piece of art like you did.

Just got done with every miniature I primed in white (x-wing, y-wing, snow speeder, rebel transport, ect.) The Stormtroopers were a bit time consuming, but worth it. Now I'm working on the grey primed ones, before I dive into the black primed ones. I'll post photos once done.

Thank you.

Yesterday when i was painting my AT-STs, once again i came upon a problem. Washes are obviously great for "highlighting" cavities and such but i keep having this problem where if i wash first, i paint over the black color, rendering the whole process of washing useless, or if i wash after painting it darkens my miniature a lot. It took me over an hour to paint one single AT-ST and after washing i found the coloring way too dark so i'll have to start all over again ... :(

I'd really appreciate your help. When i am home i am trying to upload a picture to show you the mess i've created

Edited by Raahk
On 3/16/2017 at 3:32 PM, Raahk said:

Yesterday when i was painting my AT-STs, once again i came upon a problem. Washes are obviously great for "highlighting" cavities and such but i keep having this problem where if i wash first, i paint over the black color, rendering the whole process of washing useless, or if i wash after painting it darkens my miniature a lot. It took me over an hour to paint one single AT-ST and after washing i found the coloring way too dark so i'll have to start all over again ... :(

I'd really appreciate your help. When i am home i am trying to upload a picture to show you the mess i've created

Don't forget I have an Imperial painting guide too, you can see it over here:

My At-St's were washed and then drybrushed. They came out good and were easy to do.


I'm not sure what problem you're running into.

Washes don't "highlight" - they darken. They set-up the highlight so to speak. They make the areas that will not be highlighted even darker.

You shouldn't be painting over your crevasses. You can, with more advanced techniques, paint over a dark colour and lighten it with *multiple thin* layers of paint, but that is overkill for an At-St at this scale. All you need to do is basecoat it in grey, wash in a dark wash, then drybrush it with the basecoat + white mix. Read what I did for my At-Ats and At-Sts in the Imperial Painting Guide. If you have any more questions, let me know.

On 3/21/2017 at 3:30 AM, R2-EQ said:

I'm not sure what problem you're running into.

Long story short: I was basically doing it in the wrong order :mellow:

On 3/21/2017 at 3:30 AM, R2-EQ said:

Washes don't "highlight" - they darken. They set-up the highlight so to speak. They make the areas that will not be highlighted even darker.

I understand this principle. As i am no native english speaker i struggled a bit for the right word on this one. I meant highlighting in a sense that darker areas become more prominent and thus less highlighted. Nevermind :D

On 3/21/2017 at 3:30 AM, R2-EQ said:

Read what I did for my At-Ats and At-Sts in the Imperial Painting Guide.

Done ;)

Hopefully my project is finshed by the end of this week. Yay!

That is good news! It's a lot of stuff to paint. Keep at it. If you have the time to post some pictures, please do.

Aaaaand done. I will post pictures in the next few days :)

On 8.3.2017 at 7:00 PM, allenkwest said:

OK... R2-EQ. It has begun, the start of my insanity, the start of painting Rebellion. Your article is the main inspiration to it all and with the few ships that I have completed so far, I am excited in taking these first few steps.

How is your progress so far?

Edit: added pictures. Only 2 since i am not allowed to upload more than 0.49 MB. More will follow in another post



Edited by Raahk

Speeders and Gonzantis


On 4/3/2017 at 5:53 AM, Raahk said:

Aaaaand done. I will post pictures in the next few days :)

How is your progress so far?

Edit: added pictures. Only 2 since i am not allowed to upload more than 0.49 MB. More will follow in another post



I got them done, but tring to turn the photos into low resolution for posting. Also built storage for the game. Will try to have images up by Friday.

Shut up and take my money

Looking really good there Raahk! I particularly like the blue/grey you achieved on your Super Star Destroyers.

OK. I finally shrank the photos, but they look more glorious in person. Sorry for how many there are. Tomorrow or tonight I'll attempt to upload the pics of the foam board storage I built for the game.









Those pictures are too small! I'd say they are more thumbnails than proper pictures haha.

I'd be interested to see your foam board solution. I just built a foam board insert for Fury of Dracula (a great game btw, I highly recommend picking it up as it's now OOP). However, the problem with foam board inserts are that when game boxes are tipped on their sides, everything slides around. I always travel with my games and this is one of the reasons I have not made one for Rebellion - too many small little moving parts would flop around inside the box.

Currently my Rebellion minis are stored in two plastic plano like containers, but the containers are a little small and I'm not happy with them. I've had a problem finding containers that fit the box snugly.

On 03/04/2017 at 8:53 PM, Raahk said:

Aaaaand done. I will post pictures in the next few days :)

How is your progress so far?

Edit: added pictures. Only 2 since i am not allowed to upload more than 0.49 MB. More will follow in another post




I like the snow & camo AT-STs, it's a nice touch!