When Will We Get New Info On SoR???

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

When do y'all think we'll see the next preview? I'm dying for some more spoilers fro SoR. Chirrut's cost is driving me crazy. I really want to pair him with Finn to try out a mixed damage agro deck.

On an unrelated note, this is the release schedule I'm expecting.

Launch/ Awakenings: Pre-release Novemebr, General Release December 2016

Spirit of Rebellion: June 2017

2017 Set 2 With Starters: Pre-release at Gen Con in August, General Release September 2017

2017 Set 3: Christmas/ December 2017

What are y'alls thoughts?

Edited by dpb1298

I think if they can't get production straight for one set they have no business putting out another, let alone 3 before the end of the year.

7 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I think if they can't get production straight for one set they have no business putting out another, let alone 3 before the end of the year.

Well I agree, but it's happening regardless. I still need Awakenings boosters.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

I think if they can't get production straight for one set they have no business putting out another, let alone 3 before the end of the year.

Agreed completely. Awakenings has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they under-estimated demand. It has also been proven pretty decisively that they aren't capable of recovering quickly from this circumstance. Lastly their silence on the whole thing, proves to me at least, that they have no real plan of action either. There is no way on this earth they should attempt a 3 set run this year. It will fail because confidence is easy to lose and hard to gain back. I don't know many at this point still confident ffg will fix this with any competence. As a company they just weren't ready for a ccg.

Edited by LordFajubi
3 hours ago, dpb1298 said:

When do y'all think we'll see the next preview? I'm dying for some more spoilers fro SoR. Chirrut's cost is driving me crazy. I really want to pair him with Finn to try out a mixed damage agro deck.

On an unrelated note, this is the release schedule I'm expecting.

Launch/ Awakenings: Pre-release Novemebr, General Release December 2016

Spirit of Rebellion: June 2017

2017 Set 2 With Starters: Pre-release at Gen Con in August, General Release September 2017

2017 Set 3: Christmas/ December 2017

What are y'alls thoughts?

3 sets a year is the plan, April, August and December would be the target months.

What level of responsiveness are you expecting on the production side of things?

The idea that they should hold up Set 2 until they sort out Set 1 makes no sense when you consider that it takes months to bring product to market.

1 hour ago, Amanal said:

3 sets a year is the plan, April, August and December would be the target months.

I highly doubt the SoR will be ready by April. I'm expecting June, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if they manage to crank it out sooner.

36 minutes ago, ScottieATF said:

What level of responsiveness are you expecting on the production side of things?

The idea that they should hold up Set 2 until they sort out Set 1 makes no sense when you consider that it takes months to bring product to market.

I don't think we're advocating that, just saying that a second set so soon feels rushed with a lot of people still missing out on the first. It would be fiscally irresponsible to sit on product in a warehouse until more Awakenings comes out, but that doesn't make it less irresponsible to be in the situation they're currently in.

44 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

I highly doubt the SoR will be ready by April. I'm expecting June, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if they manage to crank it out sooner.

That would put them on target for 2 sets per year, which isn't what they have as a target.

10 hours ago, Amanal said:

That would put them on target for 2 sets per year, which isn't what they have as a target.

June is still quarter two. If they go June, September and December they can still fit in three per year.

Edited by dpb1298

I can't wait ether, welcome to the cycle that are CCGs. :)

9 minutes ago, JediGeekGirl said:

I can't wait ether, welcome to the cycle that are CCGs. :)

Good to see you in a thread that isn't price watch JGG. Voice some opinions everyone else does lol :D

1. They clearly underestimated popularity, which I honestly think was probably a safe move on their part -- CCGs aren't generally an easy market to break into.

2. They plan things far in advance, and very likely aren't able to play with this time table much/at all, so of course they're going to steamroll ahead.

3. Silence means they don't have to worry about future accountability by suggesting potential timelines, especially since we know FFG has generally been pretty bad at suggested arrival and actual availability. Better, probably, to say nothing at all and keep working on what they're working on.

4. Destiny isn't their only game, and it's not even one of their larger titles (possibly due to their underestimation from point 1).

First of all, "There isn't enough product, don't produce another set" doesn't make sense to me. At all.

Isn't that counterintuitive?

I am super ready to have Chirrut right now. I also want Obi-wan. And Chewie.

I am fairly certain they will have more production runs of the first set. Is that not enough?

It's intuitive for them to put out a second set while they're having massive shortage issues with the first? Really? You'll have to explain that to me a little better, because while you want Chirrut and Chewie there are people who want cards - any cards - from the first set. Just announcing SoR was a slap in their faces, and the implied "gimmes" and "I wants" here aren't much better.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

FFG has to address what they can in the timeframe they have available. It's too late to get another batch of Awakenings out, so they have to stay on course with SoR as their next drop, given the already in production.

Its not perfect, but I'm confident that once SoR hits, that FFG will return to Awakenings.

At this point in time most online stores have sold out of their pre-orders for Spirit of the Rebellion so anyone that thinks that future sets will be a hard sell...sorry, but that is not even remotely true. I understand that a lot of people are wanting Awakenings and have heard about how people will not buy in until more Awakenings is available but these pre-orders being sold out are telling me otherwise.

I am not the first nor will I be the last in saying that from the looks of things, FFG is moving forward with the production of Spirit of Rebellion and do not be at all surprised to see a late April release (nor be surprised to see a late June release as these things happen.). As well I see more Awakenings product being produced and available if not before Spirit of Rebellion then sometime after but before the third set. I say this only because there is talks that more could be coming at anytime.

Who does not wish they had more Awakenings? The stores wish to they did to sell, FFG does as the demand is high and us the gamers do to be able to play and enjoy this fun title. However these things happen and there is no way a company can make a call and have Awakenings on the boat tomorrow, not possible unless there is stock just sitting around ready to be shipped (and FFG is the only one who can answer to that and they are not talking.).

How many people pre-ordered the first set, Awakenings? Now ask yourself why you did not. I was one of those who did and came very close to canceling said pre-order after seeing played demo at Gen Con. It was not until I went to the prerelease of Destiny at which time I was more than happy to have pre-ordered what I did (and pre-orders started to sell out or at the very least stated to pick up...which is a understatement.).

Now look at Spirit of Rebellion, how many people pre-ordered a box/boxes of it? I do not have the numbers BUT it is sold out on most, if not all, of the online stores I go to. This tells me that Destiny has made a huge impact and people enjoy the game. While I agree that the short supply of Awakenings will turn some people off and away from the game, wait till it becomes readily available and see how many people enjoy it for what it is.

Way to much talk of doom and gloom for Destiny while I just do not see it nor do I see sells indicating such. Remember when we were told of how big box stores were to carry Destiny? Destiny did so well that there is none to send to big box stores and that should make gamers happy as this went straight to game stores. Game stores were happy but now that there is very little left and hard to get at this point they have mostly moved on and a lot will not even do tournaments stating they have no product to sell (however were more than happy to tell us about these tournaments when they had stock...hmmm, something doesn't sound right with that but that is for another day.).

I am going out on a limb here (joking) in saying that I believe Destiny will do just fine and we have had but a small sample of what is to come. While I am sorry to hear how some people have decided to drop out and move on, what game does not have this at some point in time? Truth be told I can see there being a time I say I have enough sets and I wish to carry on no further but until that time comes, I, like many others, will enjoy Destiny for what it is and look forward to many game ahead.

Just playing devil's advocate here John but is it so far fetched that pre-orders sold because savy people recognised the shortage and saw a way to make bank on a starved community?

I also think your observation is flawed in the account that Awakenings was the first and only set in Destiny right now. You can play the game without a starter but how many are going to want to drop third party money on tokens, not to mention miss out on starter exclusives? You can proxy sure but you can proxy the whole thing on TTS and not spend a dime on it. SOR is not a complete game it is an xpac and it's going to be a harder sell to people who aren't blessed with Awakenings.

I know my main gripe, and I think others here share this, is they have said nothing about plans to reprint Awakenings. Nothing, not even a rumor or whisper. People say it takes time to get things done, ok granted, how much time does it take to acknowledge a problem and assure your customers that it WILL be taken care of? Doesn't even require specifics FFG doesn't owe us details they should however be vocal and public about this game being supported by them. They haven't done that, not even close. They are moving ahead with a plan constructed perhaps a year ago and planting there heads in the sand.

Edited by LordFajubi

They can be reprinting Awakenings and Spirit of Rebelion at the same time. I'm sure their producer can handle multiple runs

5 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

They can be reprinting Awakenings and Spirit of Rebelion at the same time. I'm sure their producer can handle multiple runs

I'm not...

5 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

I'm not...

I'd have to agree. It too early in the games development to test that theory. With how many items are in Awakening and SoR, there's a high risk for going too much, too fast. At this stage, it's still pretty obvious that FFG is gauging how much they can push and still maintain quality control.

2 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

It's intuitive for them to put out a second set while they're having massive shortage issues with the first? Really? You'll have to explain that to me a little better, because while you want Chirrut and Chewie there are people who want cards - any cards - from the first set. Just announcing SoR was a slap in their faces, and the implied "gimmes" and "I wants" here aren't much better.

Because at this point SoR is printed, packaged and on the boat. It will only make sense for them to warehouse the product if they wish to push back the release date from April to June so they they can do another printing of SoR. I am not sure how that helps with the current situation.

Or,,,,, they can do another Awakening printing during this time, or even a mixed printing of both sets and have additional product moving starting in June. Then postpone the 3rd set until next year and go straight into a large print run for The Last Jedi in December. Either way I get the feeling they need to have a heart to heart with Lucas Films over this and gather info from their manufacture to figure out what is feasible. Good reasons why we just aren't hearing anything at all.

BTW Magic had a lot of these issues back in '94 and they kept printing new expansions. It was the right call then and it is the right call now.

52 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

They can be reprinting Awakenings and Spirit of Rebelion at the same time. I'm sure their producer can handle multiple runs

Actually they can't, which is why there is a shortage. The dice are a brand new fab so capacity is limited for now. Eventually though, eventually.

52 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

They can be reprinting Awakenings and Spirit of Rebelion at the same time. I'm sure their producer can handle multiple runs

They can, but then there would be less of both and you're right back here

To answer the OP, they did about one news article on Awakening a week for the two months leading up to the release. Not all of them were card spoilers though.