Does movement require an action ?

By Eldalion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does movement require an action ? Or can I do following: suffer 2 fatigue to move 2 spaces, then make attack action, and then another attack action for example ?

I need bulletproof evidence or link to rules or somehing, so our group can stop arguing.

Edited by Eldalion

The "move" action can come across as confusing. To "move" what you are actually doing is trading an action for the number of movement points equal to your speed on your character sheet. You can spend those movement points whenever you want.

The reason I'm specifying this is because is because many people confuse this. Trading fatigue for movement points is not an action because the cost is the fatigue and not the action. So you can trade X fatigue for X movement points spend them to move X normal spaces and attract twice. Or as another example interact to pick up treasure spend your movement points then attack.

Rules reference: Descent core rule book page 8, right side. It even says in bold letters:

A hero player is not required to perform a move action in order to suffer fatigue to move.

Hope that's bulletproof enough for your group. :)

Edited by flightmaster101

Think about movement as a bucket of moment points. You start your turn with zero movement points in your bucket and have two main ways of putting movement points in said bucket (but there are also other ways to do it but these are rarer, like the boots that give 1 movement point at the start of your turn etc.). The first one is spending an action to perform a move action, this gives movement points equal to your speed. The second is trading 1 fatigue for 1 movement point.

But movement is a very complicated matter once you dive into the details, but there are more in depth explanations on this forum. You can find them in the pinned topic of 'Index of useful links'.

Please, answer this: Does movement require an action ? Or can I move only with my fatigue ? Yes/No. Thank you

I'm guessing English isn't your first language because your question has already been answered by flightmaster101.

You can spend fatigue to get 1 or more movement points, without spending a move action.

So its legitimate to for example, go move 2 spaces from fatigue, then attack twice, then move another space from fatigue.

From flightmaster101's reply:

Rules reference: Descent core rule book page 8, right side. It even says in bold letters:

A hero player is not required to perform a move action in order to suffer fatigue to move.

OK, I have 1 last question. If I have 1 movement point (doesnt matter how I got it), can I move without spending an action ? Pls just Yes or No XD Sorry to bother you guys

"If I have 1 movement point (doesnt matter how I got it), can I move without spending an action ? "


If it is your turn, and you're not in the middle of another action (like an attack) you can spend that movment point without spending an action.

Spending movement points NEVER costs an action. Gaining movement points SOMETIMES costs an action.

Thank you very much good sir. Its clear now