Reading this news - - I wanted to download the PDF. But it doesn't appear to be on the support page.
Does anyone have it? Would you mind sharing a link?
Reading this news - - I wanted to download the PDF. But it doesn't appear to be on the support page.
Does anyone have it? Would you mind sharing a link? < The support page with it on. Currently not displaying correctly in Firefox ).pdf < 27mb pdf ).pdf < 2.7mb pdf
Are you sure you are logged in when visiting the support page?
Weird. I can see it now. I guess my browser had cached the page or something.
It should be there. I just checked it using Safari.
voidstate said:
Weird. I can see it now. I guess my browser had cached the page or something.
I have trouble whereby my browser logs me in automatically when I go to the Dark Heresy forums but refuses to log me in when I go to the Rogue Trader forums. It sometimes even logs me out when I try to change forums. I think FFGs site is just weird about logins sometimes.
The problem I keep having is Firefox locking up every time I try to download. I get a message indicating a 1 hour and something download time (on a cable modem), the program locks up, and when I close it doesn't actually unload, messing with several other programs: MSWord, Process Explorer, and so on, and they refuse to load. I have to reboot to get things running properly again. Weird pain in the backside it is. I've checked for viruses and haven't detected anything on my end, so I don't know what the heck to do to get the silly thing. Just skip it, I guess . . . .
The file's probably just too big. It's a typical problem with FFG stuff... too much memory taken up by fancy graphics, background and fonts all of which only serve to make the file unusable anyway. I mean, you can't print it, you can barely read it... looks nice but basically useless.
LuciusT said:
The file's probably just too big. It's a typical problem with FFG stuff... too much memory taken up by fancy graphics, background and fonts all of which only serve to make the file unusable anyway. I mean, you can't print it, you can barely read it... looks nice but basically useless.
I disagree, never had an issue downloading, reading online or printing DH/RT free stuff.
Peacekeeper_b said:
LuciusT said:
The file's probably just too big. It's a typical problem with FFG stuff... too much memory taken up by fancy graphics, background and fonts all of which only serve to make the file unusable anyway. I mean, you can't print it, you can barely read it... looks nice but basically useless.
I disagree, never had an issue downloading, reading online or printing DH/RT free stuff.
Ain't that just grand for you. We aren't all lucky enough to have your internet connection, eyesight and unlimited printing budget.
LuciusT said:
Ain't that just grand for you. We aren't all lucky enough to have your internet connection, eyesight and unlimited printing budget.
No need to be rude at all. It's generally not the best way to get people to help.
Whilst it's sad that you can't read it, the majority of RPG PDFs of printed books are exact copies of the books. I would also suggest, rather than trying to load it into Firefox, you should be able to right-click and "save as" the PDF.
Also, the PDF supplements aren't always desigined to be printed off. Whilst that's an option, I don't see why FFG should spend time out of developing stuff just to make extra versions of all their PDFs.
And like Peacekeeper, I have no problem reading it either. It's also never been mentioned before, and knowing the internet as I do, if people had had a problem with it before, it would have been mentioned, probably along with "OMG FFG SUCKS!"
It's not hard to make print friendly versions of documents. FFG should be using one of the standard layout programs like InDesign. Different objects will be on different layers so all you have to do is turn those layers off and export to pdf. It took me 20 seconds in my documents up at Dark Reign. All the background graphics and parchments etc were on layers above or below the text layer. turn off layer, save as pdf retaining visible layers (you can save a pdf with invisible layers as visible too, so you don't even need to bother going through the process twice, just save it with different parameters twice).
Uploading is similiarly simple. Create link, attach document to link. Upload both documents at the same time if you want. The program then does the rest.
Really, making a printer friendly version of a normal document and putting it on a webpage takes only slightly longer than doing it for one document, in the realm of an extra minute or two.
Yeah, they really dropped the ball with the character and ship sheets. You can't say those weren't designed to be printed off.
I've never had any trouble reading the fonts though, and I wouldn't try to print a supplement anyway.
St. Jimmy said:
Yeah, they really dropped the ball with the character and ship sheets. You can't say those weren't designed to be printed off.
I've never had any trouble reading the fonts though, and I wouldn't try to print a supplement anyway.
So, you can definitly say they were designed to be printed off? ;-p
If you didn't mean for your two negatives to turn your statement positive (two wrongs do make a right, see!), then I'd agree, mostly on account of the screened background used on them. It's really just too much, especially if you're using pencil on them. The graphite has to really fight that obscuring gray. I'm working on removing the background screening from the character sheets and will put them up somewhere when done.
As for font legibility, if zooming into the PDF doesn't work so well on a chunk of text, you can always copy and past the offending text to something like note pad.
I've tried right-clicking the document and had the same results: Firefox locks up, numerous other programs do as well, etc. forcing a reboot of the system to get things running again. I seldom open pdfs in Firefox anyway [and then typically by accident, not noticing the file is a pdf]. So if Drydock is a good supplement, I'll have to take everyone's word for it because I can't get hold of it.
Highland Raider said:
I've tried right-clicking the document and had the same results: Firefox locks up, numerous other programs do as well, etc. forcing a reboot of the system to get things running again. I seldom open pdfs in Firefox anyway [and then typically by accident, not noticing the file is a pdf]. So if Drydock is a good supplement, I'll have to take everyone's word for it because I can't get hold of it.
I'd suggest there is something wrong with your computer then, as I can load it up in Firefox on my five year old laptop with no problem at all.
In many cases, FF would end the attempt with an error, but downloading with dTa, for example, works fine on the larger files. It's an issue I have seen before with PDF plugins for browsers and I'm pretty sure (without bothering to investigate, to be fair) that it's a simple out of memory error.
I had not previously tried downloading with DownloadThemAll, but I did so a little while ago and that seems to have done the job. Computer didn't have fits due to lack of memory or whatever the problem was. Thanks for the suggestion.
No problem, it annoyed me too, but it's easy enough to work around; I just don't normally need to use dTa for PDF files.