RtL questions

By Wrathful, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So I was playing RtL last night and came across the question of can more than one hero purchase the same skill? I don't recall a specific ruling on this one way or another.

Also, I just got ToI and was wondering if anyone created a different monster spawn sheet for dungeons (like how in the main RtL book, A & B are JiTD monsters, C is WoD and D is AoD).

Relentless said:

So I was playing RtL last night and came across the question of can more than one hero purchase the same skill? I don't recall a specific ruling on this one way or another.

Also, I just got ToI and was wondering if anyone created a different monster spawn sheet for dungeons (like how in the main RtL book, A & B are JiTD monsters, C is WoD and D is AoD).

1. Nope... that's part of the strategy the heroes have to figure out... who gets what skill

2. No idea

I noticed someone created an alternate spawn chart over on BGG to include ToI monsters, if you want to check there.

In our campaign, I've just ignored it except of course for the ToI specific dungeons :)


Relentless said:

So I was playing RtL last night and came across the question of can more than one hero purchase the same skill? I don't recall a specific ruling on this one way or another.


If a skill card is already purchased, how would someone be able to purchase it again, as there is only one of each?

Ispher said:

Relentless said:

So I was playing RtL last night and came across the question of can more than one hero purchase the same skill? I don't recall a specific ruling on this one way or another.


If a skill card is already purchased, how would someone be able to purchase it again, as there is only one of each?

So assuming you have more than 1 copy, you can? There are 2 different Leadership cards, and when I play with one group, we have multiple copies of the game...

If you're using the Leadership card from altar of Despair, it replaces the base set's copy. And multiple sets won't matter, the game rules are written so that you're limited to the cards it comes with, not the ones you own.

If you want to house rule it so that you get a chance to use those extra sets, that's cool, but you'll need to do something drastic to make up for the power bump the heroes get by having multiple people with things like Knight, Unmovable, and Leadership. I don't know what it could be, but it would have to be huge.

Yeah about the only thing that would balance that is giving the OL the ability to spend 20XP for Tactical Magic Bombs that auto raze cities.

Where is it written that you can't use multiple copies of cards from multiple sets?

As for evening it out, we would let the OL chose half of the combined cards to create his deck, or so we've been thinking...

Relentless said:

Where is it written that you can't use multiple copies of cards from multiple sets?

It isn't explicitly written anywhere. It is pretty obvious though, since a non-collectible game is rarely intended to be played differently with two copies than it is with one. The whole "you keep your skill cards" thing might be a hint as well.

If you require it explicitly written somewhere in the rules that things are forbidden to keep your gaming group from doing it, I suggest you buy a few more sets of RtL and let the Overlord start with four 0-cost Lieutenants. It's never explicitly written that he can't start with more than one of them, either. I think that would balance the multiple hero skills, too.

Edit: I just realized that the Overlord's spawning is restricted to "available figures". So the hero players can just hide three quarters of the Overlord's monster supply, and they'll have to face less monsters in the dungeons.