Transport unfinished minis?

By FrogTrigger, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

I've got my Bantha Rider up to the shade point from Sorastro's tutorial, but won't have time to finish it by tomorrow. I want to transport it to my LGS to have on display for a demo day. I've had problems with this model like none other with paint coming off, some how, some way, and having to be re touched, not sure why that is just how it is. I am worried if I try to transport it I will end up un doing a lot of hard work.

Anyone have any tips or experience with this? I won't be letting people touch it, I literally just want it to sit there because it looks really good, my best blending so far. Could I spray it with Varnish at this stage and just re spray it after I high light? Or is that a big risk for a loss of detail?

I've put probably 20 hours into it + the raiders so far so if "just leave it at home" is the only viable option I can deal with that, just thought I would ask.

Edited by FrogTrigger

Honestly, if you're determined to bring it along to show off, you should be okay with a light coating of matte varnish. As far as I know, a light coat of matte spray shouldn't prevent you from continuing the rest of the painting process. Applying a couple light layers later to seal the rest of your work should be fine. Just keep the layers light. I had a helluva time maintaining the base coat/highlights on the banthas, too. Especially the sharp ridges of the fur. I had to retouch those areas multiple times, so I feel your pain, man.

Some of my X-Wing ships I did not varnish and they're still fine after several games. And my mess around with tilting them on their magnet mounts all game long. Just carry it there in a foam trey and don't touch any sharp edges.

Bit of matt varnish won't hurt. You can continue highlighting over it.

Edited by Polda