16 minutes ago, VanderLegion said:Paril should be "you may increase the number of tokens by one". Or might be even simpler to say "You may assign them an additional token of the same type."
I like Merrick (super fearlessness but only works unstressed), and farns encourages flying more x-wings together, which is all to the good. Less thrilled with telsij's ability. Jaldine is interesting with R2-BHD, but less sure outside of that. Davish and Paril are both interesting.
If I'm reading Heroic Sacrifice correctly, it adds two crits then deals damage until you have 1 hull left? Might be clearer as "If you do, assign facedown damage cards to your ship until you have 1 hull remaining."
If you make T65B "Rebel Alliance only" it would restrict it from being used by the T70 but still let you take a shield upgrade on your t65 if you want (not sure why you would instead of IA, but...).
I don't love easy trick letting ANY ship with an EPT get the ability to take 2 epts for a singel point, especially as a nonunique so you could give every ship in your list double EPTs. Would rather see it be limited to a single ship type.
Do we want Han or Dengar to be able to get to PS13 (veteran co-pilot + veteran instincts)? It's an interesting concept (and has the cost of losing other more useful crew), but worth pointing out at least. Currently the max possible PS is 12.
Slug Cannon turret might be able to get away with only being 4 points instead of 5. Compared to non-tlt turrest 5 is probably fine, compared to TLT though...
I like OWTF. Though could maybe just say "When defending, you may spend a focus token to add an {evade} result."?
R3S1 is interesting. Adv Targeting is definitely intersting as well for bombing.
On the whole, looks like a pretty good expansion
Will fix the Paril and OWTF cards.
The Easy Trick is a way to value some less taken cheap EPTs...
Heroic Sacrifice: if your ship has a total of 3 hull, it will give you 2 damage. So, if you are already damaged, it will destroy your ship (hey, it's a sacrifice after all).
About the Veteran Co-Pilot, I think the increased cost would be a sufficient counterpart.
Slug Cannon 4? I will think about it.
Thanks for the feedback!
Edited by Odanan