Assault Gunboat Expansion thoughts:
Maarek Stele: This seems like a really good platform for his ability. I think his cost should be closer to his original ship, though, the Advanced. The AG adds 2 Hull and a Shield and upgrade options at the cost of 2 Agility, Barrel Roll, and Evade. I'd call that 25. Similar point increase across the board I think.
Noble Calder: Screams for Deadeye, I like it.
Xeal: Great ability. Can you hold onto your ordnance long enough to make it even more deadly? Or do you enjoy a 4-dice Mangler Cannon?
Arajen Turmen: Not sure how I feel about reactive PS increases. Probably given the Range limitation, and even then it can be situational.
Eagle Squadron Pilot: Compared to a Gamma Squadron Veteran Bomber, -1 PS, -1 Agility, -1 Hull, -Barrel Roll, but +3 Shields. That's about break even, so I think the points are probably fine here. So given the Stele comparison, hmm, maybe just +1 all the way across?
Rho Squadron Pilot: No further comments.
Linked Ion Cannons: Not really a fan of a non-Cannon Cannon, but at least the primary weapon is only 2 dice.
Modular Launchers: I like it in theory, but in practice I feel like it's just an excuse to add Extra Munitions to things, which is boring.
Alpha Strike: Do not like. Part of the reason the triple Contracted Scout meta was so bad was having a ship blown up right away before it has a chance to do anything is a major NPE.
Expanded Launchers: Torn on this one, too. On the one hand, it's a nice way to bring Extra Munitions to ships without a spare Torpedo slot. On the other hand, do other ships really need extra Extra Munitions? I suspect those that can take EM will prefer LRS or Guidance Chimps anyway, so this is most likely a good upgrade.
Imperial Reinforcements: Absolutely against this having a negative cost. Reactive deployment is a benefit, not a hindrance. Non-TIE is pretty restrictive, but this really needs to be 0 points at best.