Predicted Characters

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

Since we are getting 24 characters per set and some will be quite difficult to fill (Blue Villains) I thought I'd make a list of all of characters I expect to see. I am not including characters that have already been confirmed.

Hero :


Ahsoka Tano

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda

Ezra Bridger

Kanan Jarrus

Depa Billaba

Plo Koon

Kai Adi Mundi

Kit Fisto

Saesee Tiin

Nahdar Vebb

Anakin Skywalker

Stass Allie

Adi Gallia

Eeth Koth

Yarael Poof

Jocasta Nu

Luminara Unduli

The Daughter (Of Mortis)

Tera Sinube

Jedi Knight (Generic)

Jedi Master (Generic)

Youngling (Generic)

Jedi Temple Guard (Generic)

Cin Drallig

Shaak Ti

Ima Gun Di

Quinlan Vos

Even Piell


Clone Trooper (Generic)

Commander Cody

Captain Rex

501st Clone Trooper (Generic)

Fives (Arc Trooper)

Echo (Arc Trooper)



Commander Wolffe

Commander Gree

Commander Bacara

Commander Nyeo

Commander Fox

Commander Thorn

Commander Bly





Arc Trooper (Generic)

Arf Trooper (Generic)

Arc Trooper Colt

Arc Trooper Havoc

Arc Trooper Blitz

Clone Flametrooper (Generic)

Commander Appo



Captain Keeli

Cassian Andor


Bodhi Rook

Commander Sato

Hera Syndulla

Zeb Orrelios

General Crix Madine

Wookiee Warrior


Rebel Commando (Generic)

Chief Chirpa

Ewok Warrior (Generic)

Wicket W. Warrick

Nein Numb

Alderaanian Honor Guard (Generic)

Bail Organa

Admiral Raddus





Lando Calrissian


Cloud City Wing Guard (Generic)

Maz Kanata

Saw Gerrera

Edrio Two Tubes

Benthic Two Tubes

Weeteef Cyubee

Baze Malbus

Sabine Wren

Cham Syndulla

T wi'Lek Freedom Fighters (Generic)

Sana Solo

Gungan Warrior (Generic)

Alliance Smugger (Generic)

Jar Jar Binks

Boss Nass

Captain Roos Tarpals

Villain :


The Grand Inquisitor


Darth Maul

Sith Acolyte (Generic)

Sith Advisor (Generic)

Mother Talzin

Old Daka

S avage Oppress

Fifth Brother

Seventh Sister

The Son (Of Mortis)

Supreme Leader Snoke

Pong Krell

Barriss Offee


General Hux

Destroyer Droid/ Droideka (Generic)

Storm Trooper (Generic)

Shadow Trooper (Generic)

Scout Trooper (Generic)

Battle Droid (Generic)

S uper Battle Droid (Generic)

Separatist Tactical Droid (Generic)

Imperial Officer (Generic)

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Moff Tarkin

Agent Kallus

Geonosian Warrior (Generic)

Imperial ISB Agent (Generic)

FO Flame Trooper (Generic)

FO Snow Trooper (Generic)

Snow Trooper (Generic)


Magma Guard (Generic)

Shore Trooper (Generic)

Imperial Ground Crew (Generic)

Imperial Enforcer Droid (Generic)

Separatist Commando Droid (Generic)

Nute Gunray

Wat Tambor

Poggle the Lesser

Colonel Wullf Yularen

Admiral Trench

Umbaran Soldier (Generic)


Unkar Plutt

Cad Bane

Guavian Death Gang Thug (Generic)

Black Sun Thug (Generic)

Death Watch Mandalorian (Generic)

Pre Visla




Boba Fett

C-21 Highsinger

Black Krrsantan


Aura Sing

Bounty Hunter (Generic)

Ziro the Hutt


Dr. Aphra

Zygerrian Slaver (Generic)

Edited by dpb1298

Who did I miss that you expect to see in the game?

Leia Organa, Princess (Hero Yellow)

Han Solo, General (Hero Red)

Luke Skywalker, pilot (Hero Red)

Biggs, pilot (Hero Red)

Wedge Antilles, pilot (Hero Red)

Jawa (generic, Yellow Hero?)

Baze Malbus (Yellow Hero)

...and at some points Creatures (Bantha, Rancor, Nexu...) as Characters or Supports

Edited by blackholexan

Anakin Skywalker???? Please no

I am out if they make a Jar Jar

6 minutes ago, Rogue 4 said:

Anakin Skywalker???? Please no

He is quite awesome in Clone Wars, actually.

The problems with him being on the field with Darth Vader are a headache.

I guess the same argument can be made when Vader is fighting against another Vader deck.

Palpatine - chancellor yellow(?) villain

Palpatine - senator Yellow hero?

Darth Sidious - puppet master blue villain

Darth Sidious - master of the Lightsaber Blue villain

Sith Lord - blue villain generic

Darth Sidious entries could be: Palpatine - Darth Sidious puppet master and Palpatine - Darth Sidious Master of the Lightsaber.

Edited by Starbane

Revan got confirmed as canon in rebels lately?

Plenty of different options for Revan cards!^^

Yellow Villain:

Gamorean Guard (Generic) - These are the pig looking guys that guard Jabba's palace.

Grakkus the Hutt - From the comics, collector of Jedi artifacts.

7 minutes ago, Vijel said:

Revan got confirmed as canon in rebels lately?

Plenty of different options for Revan cards!^^

Not quite. He appears in a deleted scene, which technically isn't canon.

10 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Yellow Villain:

Gamorean Guard (Generic) - These are the pig looking guys that guard Jabba's palace.

Grakkus the Hutt - From the comics, collector of Jedi artifacts.

Gamorrean Guard (Generic) are a definite inclusion. Good catch.

14 minutes ago, Starbane said:

Palpatine - chancellor yellow(?) villain

Palpatine - senator Yellow hero?

Darth Sidious - puppet master blue villain

Darth Sidious - master of the Lightsaber Blue villain

Sith Lord - blue villain generic

Darth Sidious entries could be: Palpatine - Darth Sidious puppet master and Palpatine - Darth Sidious Master of the Lightsaber.

A generic Sith Lord is also a likely inclusion. Not sure we'll get all those variants though. I'd sat a yellow Chancellor Palpatine would be the most likely. But I doubt we will see doubles until quite a while.

I would like to see:

  1. Luke Skywalker, Moisture Farmer (New Hope version) as a blue card, around the same point value as Rey, but with ranged damage.
  2. Commander Skywalker (Empire Strikes Back - in Hoth uniform) as a red card that can use, at least some, force abilities.
Edited by Mr Fandango

I just thought of two more Yellow Villains.

Ponda Baba

Dr. Cornelius Evazan

1 hour ago, blackholexan said:

Leia Organa, Princess (Hero Yellow)

Han Solo, General (Hero Red)

Luke Skywalker, pilot (Hero Red)

Biggs, pilot (Hero Red)

Wedge Antilles, pilot (Hero Red)

Jawa (generic, Yellow Hero?)

Baze Malbus (Yellow Hero)

...and at some points Creatures (Bantha, Rancor, Nexu...) as Characters or Supports

Jawa is another likely Yellow Villain Generic. Baze is already on my list.

Edited by dpb1298

Agen Kolar and Yaddle can be added to Hero Blue

And with the new comics being canon and since FFG already have both lined up for Imperial Assault, droids 0-0-0 and BT-1 could be added to Villain Red.

Edited by Hawkman2000

I've thought about all of those inclusions. I have Aphra in there right now. I think that Triple 0 and BT will probably be supports though. Agen Kolar is likely. Yaddle is pretty fringe though.

Edited by dpb1298

Oppo Rancisis is another Blue Hero possibility.

41 minutes ago, dpb1298 said:

A generic Sith Lord is also a likely inclusion. Not sure we'll get all those variants though. I'd sat a yellow Chancellor Palpatine would be the most likely. But I doubt we will see doubles until quite a while.

I wasn't actually thinking these would be included any time soon with the exception of a generic Sith Lord and a lower cost version of Palpatine that would allow more deck building options than the one we are currently scheduled to get looks to allow.

Yellow Villain: Greedo

2 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Yellow Villain: Greedo

Good call.

Yellow Villain: Zam Wesell - The bounty hunter from episode 2.

25 minutes ago, CBowser said:

Yellow Villain: Zam Wesell - The bounty hunter from episode 2.

Another possibility.

2 hours ago, Rogue 4 said:

Anakin Skywalker???? Please no

From the Clone Wars, it'd be awesome.