Benjen Stark and Wildfire Assault

By ShaunK, in Rules Questions

Scenario: Player A has Benjen Stark marshalled with a duplicate. Player B plays the plot Wildfire Assault. Player A chooses not to save Benjen Stark from the Wildfire Assault. and as per the card, shuffles Benjen Stark into his draw deck instead of putting the card in his dead pile.

Question: What happens to the duplicate on Benjen Stark? Does it go into the discard pile? Does it get shuffled back into the deck as well? Some third option?

Edited by ShaunK

Duplicate is discarded.

40 minutes ago, Kakita Shiro said:

Duplicate is discarded.

Can you please give a rules citation? We looked in the book but didn't find it. Thanks!


Leaves Play
The phrase “leaves play” refers to any time a card
makes a transition from an in play state to an out of
play state.
If a card leaves play, the following consequences occur
simultaneously with the card leaving play:
● All tokens on the card are returned to the treasury.
● All duplicates on the card are discarded.
● All attachments that are on the card are returned
to their owners’ hands.
● All lasting effects and/or delayed effects affecting
the card while it is in play expire for that card.

Thank you!