1. How does Warden of Healing and Elrond work together. Do they heal 2 and 2 or 2 and 1 damage?
2. Just to be sure. Enemies that are guarding something do not make engagement checks, correct?
3. Is there any window to take actions at the beginning of the game? More specifically before I turn from 1A quest side to 1B?
3b. - Example that happened to us: On 1A side of the Escape from Dol Guldur quest is to put the 3 Objectives to staging area. In our game one of those objectives was guarded to nasty Spider Web that does not allow you to ready the hero unless you pay 2 at the end of the round. We resolved that treachery right away and attached it to hero and since the Objective was not guarded anymore we wanted to attach it to the same character. On 1B of the quest we have to imprison on of our heroes. So can we put the Web + the Artifact to one hero and than imprison it?
Edited by Rozy