Battletech Game Using the Destiny Mechanics would be awesome

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

So i love Star Wars, but my other huge love is Battletech/Mechwarrior.

I can't help but think that FFG could make a really really good Dice and card game like SWD if they could license Battletech from CGL or Topps or whoever they would need to talk to to get it.

It's fast and brutal, has tons of units and characters, has a huge amount of material for upgrades and abilities, and is big stompy robots!


Someone tell FFG, quick!

Edited by ReaverRandall

While I enjoy Battletech, I would very much like to see FFG pull off a LCG rather than reskin an existing game.

Now, there's a Hare Brained Scheme.

A non-hex based version of BT might also be cool, from people with good experience sculpting minis. Those Iron Wind / Ral Partha models are looking mighty old these days. FFG just lost the GW license, why not pick one or two up from Catalyst?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
2 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

A non-hex based version of BT might also be cool, from people with good experience sculpting minis. Those Iron Wind / Ral Partha models are looking mighty old these days. FFG just lost the GW license, why not pick one or two up from Catalyst?

Who did MechWarrior the "hero click" version with Agromechs and all? Was it WotC?

I think the way FFG treats the Star Wars license if they could get the Battletech license the games would be interesting and quite amazing.

An X-Wing engine with the mechs and a simple damage allocation system that slowly removed armour and then dealt damage based on structure would be fantastic. A LCG that took to the politics and fighting and a board game in the ilk of Rebellion for the Succession Wars.

28 minutes ago, Amanal said:

Who did MechWarrior the "hero click" version with Agromechs and all? Was it WotC?


Gerelateerde afbeelding

How about the blank results count as the mech overheating? Take damage unless you have a card in play that let's you ignore the "heat" effect.

43 minutes ago, Robin Graves said:

How about the blank results count as the mech overheating? Take damage unless you have a card in play that let's you ignore the "heat" effect.

Make heat the cost that must be paid on specific dice results instead of 'resources'

Sort of a backwards resource dynamic, a la Hordes?