I'm usually not one to employee house rules, but I just had to see what people thought about this one.
I'm aware that some people aren't particularly keen on Brawn adding to Soak values, and that there has been many people talking about house rules to remove it from Soak, my idea is almost the same. Remove Brawn from Soak but in order to mitigate how murderous that is for PC's, lets cut personal scale weapon damage in half (rounded up and lets not touch explosive damage, like grenades and missile tubes). This makes melee weapon damage dangerous still, but see as you have too run through weapons fire to get within melee range, that seems fair.
How this changes the dynamic of battle though is interesting. First it still allows those who focus elusively on Soak value from armor to gain benefit from it, but it also allows other players who want to not wear any to be far less squishy, as they can take a hit or two more (not to mention that this is more true to the movies). Also it allows lightsaber reflect and parry to be more true to their cinematic versions. Lightsabers become less likely to perform a one hit kill in most circumstances, while allowing grenades, thermo-detonators, and missile tubes to be the top of the food chain again.
Just an idea, I'm curious about what you all think.