Rolling the dice.

By Grunkin, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I was playing at the LGS and my dice were feeling a little frisky. They kept rolling across the table and hitting my opponents die. One time they went so far as to join a different game being played next to us. Any thoughts on dice rolling tricks. I've thought about using a cup like Yahtzee. Or one of those dice towers.

I hear that if you drop them straight down they might even land on the side you want!

You could maybe take a small tray along to roll them into, and then transfer them out to your playing area once you are done.

I often use a lid from a box of chocolates to roll dice into.

I use a case that came with a game of backgammon

The more I play, the more I watch it played, I think dice tower. One where you can just pick it up and leave the dice where they've landed.

And I am not a dice tower guy. But dice are going everywhere. I just give them a small roll off to the side, but people are trying this flick-of-the-wrist thing for the single die. It is, annoying. Lol

You could also just roll the dice in a more controlled fashion?

2 minutes ago, Spector1331 said:

You could also just roll the dice in a more controlled fashion?

This ^^^^^

It's not that hard, guys. ;)

I know. I just thought it was funny.

I would like FFG to make a Star Wars themed dice cup for this game.

Playmat and control. Keep 'em on the pad everytime. I do wish FFG would make some OT playmats...

I think there is a SWD 2 player playmat available, or available soon.

There is a 2 player FFG Destiny playmat. I expect to see 1 player ones as prizes at nationals/worlds and possibly store champs/regionals. Would be consistent with what they did for other card games.

Nobody likes a spaz at a Craps table.

I tend to be enthusiastic with my dice. I use a cup for Destiny, works great.

On 1/28/2017 at 1:30 AM, Chimpy said:

I often use a lid from a box of chocolates to roll dice into.

Destiny is like a box of chocolates.....