So yeah, I've been researching this for a while now but hasn't been any rewarding answers in my searches..
So I guessed if I asked the proper question maybe someone could help me figure it out ^^
So I have two characters in two different groups who both likes to have a "good defence" on their journey, so modded weapons and both of the are dual wielding blaster pistols.
Here comes the part where my brain gets stuck If I have 2x DR-45 "Dragoon" Cavalry Blasters Dmg 8, Crit 3, Enc 1 and HP 3.
If i mod both with Augumented spin barrel and Sonic scope would I get the skill bonuses from both weapons or just from one of them and do they/it only give it while activly holding the weapons?
And would the superior quality on either gun count the extra advantage in the attack roll and roll with the other weapon?
Thank you on beforehand for takiing your time