Rule Questions: Project cards and battles

By Raahk, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hey guys,

yesterday i had my first game of Star Wars: Rebellion with a friend who played for the first time as well. While playing we stumbled upon two questions i wasn't able to find an answer in the rulebook to. First off: Are project cards a seperate card deck or are they shuffled into the mission deck? We were confused because they arent mentioned during game setup in the rules. And second how is the order of assigning damage and playing tactic cards, especially those pesky "prevent one damage"-cards? Ia it simultaneously or are reactive cards played after the damage has been assigned?

Thank you so much in advance for your answers. We had a blast yesterday (Especially the Wookies, after they saw a new moon rising).

Hi, yeah there is a lot of rules in there.

L2P page 5

step 7. II.

Project cards are missions that have a white star in the bottom-right corner of the card. The Imperial player takes the project cards and shuffles them together. Then he places this deck
on the “Project” space of the game board."

As far as damage, you block damage after your opponent has played all their cards and assigned the damage to your ships. RR04

1. Roll Dice

2. Combat Actions

3. Assign Damage

4. Block Damage

5. Destroy Units


I forgot to say my thanks on your quick reply. Somehow we thought that the "Project cards" space on the gameboard was for discarded projects. I can't tell where that came from...

Thank you :)