Speculation: SoR noncharacter rares/legendarys

By Vijel, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi all,

there are many interessting discussion what the characters for SoR could be. But nobody is talking about the goodies these characters get to use. So what are your predicitions and wishes for upgrades and supports?

My two top guesses are these:

- Dark Sabre

The Dark Sabre was a prominent weapon in The Clone Wars Series and gets a revival in Rebells. It even got a nod in Rogue One. With this much exposure lastly i predict it will be a weapon in the SoR set. In addition ist is quite a badass weapon.

I think it will be a grey, neutral card. Many different characters wielded the weapon. Vilians as well as heros, force uses as well as non force users. Therefore i expect it to be a grey, neutral upgrade. Also Grievous needs melee weapons outside of blue!

- Wookiee Bowcaster

With a hint on Chewbacca as a character i expect a Bowcaster as yellow, hero upgrade. Propably a generic one but possibly Chewbaccas personal one as a unique card.

What are your predictions and wishes? Discuss. :)

I guess (and hope) in the following:

- a 2-cost Hero Red Range Weapon

- a 2-cost Hero Blue Upgrade (Force Choke strength level)

- a Villain Red Melee Weapon

- Yellow Range Weapons (Wookie Bowcaster would be very nice)

- more cheap vehicles (for both sides)

- a Hero red upgrade with a couple of Discard die faces

- a Villain yellow upgrade with 2/3 Disrupt die faces

Orbalisk Armor: upgrade equipment, blue villian only. 6 cost. Melee damage is not dealt. Armor is removed if at least 6 ranged damage, or any damage dealt by Force Lightning (includes damage dealt by Deflect), is resolved.

Edited by wakefieldbw
36 minutes ago, wakefieldbw said:

Orbalisk Armor: upgrade equipment, blue villian only. 6 cost. Melee damage is not dealt. Armor is removed if at least 6 ranged damage, or any damage dealt by Force Lightning (includes damage dealt by Deflect), is resolved.

Yea, this would be stupid.

Going off the characters we have had confirmed I imagine Chirrut's light bow will be in there and also Krennik' s shuttle.

It would be cool to see something spoiler-ish of future expansions. Like, assuming Mace Windu is not in this expansion, seeing something like Mace Windu's Lightsaber in SoR to give people an idea of what might come up in the next or future expansions.

I am hoping for a piece of Hero equipment that lets you disguise a character as a villain a la Luke and Han in stormtrooper armour, jyn as a imperial pilot, et cetera


1 hour ago, blackholexan said:

- a Villain Red Melee Weapon

Iam pretty sure we can assume the first order riot baton as a vilian red melee weapon. :)

3 minutes ago, Furelli said:

I am hoping for a piece of Hero equipment that lets you disguise a character as a villain a la Luke and Han in stormtrooper armour, jyn as a imperial pilot, et cetera

Wow this is a interessting idea! Would love to see somthing like this.

Ooh, it could be an Upgrade - Equipment that means this character cannot be targeted with damage dice (incl. specials) but opponent can remove one of their dice showing focus to have it discarded.


22 minutes ago, Vijel said:

Iam pretty sure we can assume the first order riot baton as a vilian red melee weapon. :)

It was my exact guessing (I don't think the picture on the booster packs is just a random one :P)

On 1/27/2017 at 10:20 AM, Furelli said:

Ooh, it could be an Upgrade - Equipment that means this character cannot be targeted with damage dice (incl. specials) but opponent can remove one of their dice showing focus to have it discarded.


On 1/27/2017 at 10:09 AM, Furelli said:

I am hoping for a piece of Hero equipment that lets you disguise a character as a villain a la Luke and Han in stormtrooper armour, jyn as a imperial pilot, et cetera


Imagine if it were an upgrade that did not allow a character to be damaged by enemy attacks and was only discarded if you deal damage to the enemy. Imagine how that could change the effectiveness of hero mill decks!

Stolen Stormtrooper Armor
Red Hero Upgrade Equipment
Cost 3

Opponents cannot resolve damage dice against this character. When an enemy character takes damage, discard this upgrade.

If we don't get Baze I'd at least like to use his gun. It was hands down the coolest thing in Rogue One.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I would like to see a yellow support card 3 resource cost Bor Gullet exhaust this card to make an opponent discard a card

Darth Vaders lightsaber, Obi-Wans Lightsaber are my guesses.

Some version of Baze Malbus' Heavy Repeater Cannon. Either unique (as a Legendary) or non-unique (rare).


Count Dooku's lightsaber is a possibility. All of the creature Cantina is wide open for non unique characters.

There are quite a few gaps that need filling in, so I expect a bit of balancing taking place.

The Holdout Blaster and DH-17 are just so important to Agro decks, but there is no equivalent in the Melee range of cards and dice. Heroes get Reys Staff and Villians get the Gaffi Stick.

Some cards that allow control decks to disrupt and slow the agro decks that come out swinging for 6+ damage on a reasonable turn, Your Eyes Can Deceive you for example. There is also that Supply Line card that just seems to produce nice even resources, which may push the average cost per card up a little. If three cost cards become the equivalent to two cost cards at this time then players have more choice and variety for what goes into their decks.

Chebacca's Bowcaster for some pew pew, Mandalorian Armour to create shields and for no other reason than the Emperor and the theme of the set being Rogue One a Death Star battlefield and an Imperial Base.

If we don't get a Y-Wing, I'm selling my collection. At the very least a non-unique 3-cost X-wing.

Edited by Srba

There's no particular reason we couldn't have an event or battleground as a rare. I could easily see an event with the text "roll this die into your pool. When it is resolved or removed, set that die aside." A battleground could have a claim effect of resolving a side of its die, or more interestingly being rolled into the claiming player's pool at the start of the round.

12 minutes ago, GooeyChewie said:

There's no particular reason we couldn't have an event or battleground as a rare. I could easily see an event with the text "roll this die into your pool. When it is resolved or removed, set that die aside." A battleground could have a claim effect of resolving a side of its die, or more interestingly being rolled into the claiming player's pool at the start of the round.

I think this idea would make the claiming of the battlefield so much more important, I imagine it would favour the double elite Jango/Veers type decks though. A very interesting mechanic, hope it comes to fruition at some stage.

A Y-Wing support! This game needs a y wing!

Personal Shield....

I'll let myself out.

Jyn Erso's Truncheon

Yellow Hero Weapon


2 Cost

1 Melee Damage

2 Melee Damage

+2 Melee Damage

1 Resource



Card Text: Redeploy


Grey Hero Support


4 Cost

2 Ranged Damage

4 Ranged Damage 1 Cost

+2 Ranged Damage

1 Disrupt

1 Resource

1 Blank

Card Text: Action: Exhaust this support to restore 1 health to every non-unique character you control.