Okay, so i 'thought' I was done with the custom class thing, I really did. But after running through the Skirmish mode, I had an idea for a Chronomancer, a Mage class that utilizes a Warp token that powers his abilities and can store actions for later use. I liked the idea so I'm running with it. Right now its a little rough since its a new idea but with some help admittedly this class could be pretty sharp. I may not need to even have the Warp token and instead have a starter card exhaust itself so you are 'Warping' or something similar. The Warp token was just my first thought. Always love to read the comments so post away!
Edit: Got cards done up for the Chronomancer. Here's the link, look for the Chronomancer in the Custom Classes folder:
Edited by BJZSN