Greetings, we are now soliciting players for the first ever Webcam League, Season One: FLASHPOINT! Join us for a social and innovative way to play Netrunner.
Requirements: Computer, EXTERNAL webcam, google hangouts, Netrunner cards including the full Flashpoint cycle (by the end)
How it works: (rough draft) players will be paired off to play bracketed rankings. Players coordinate with each other to play games at convenient times for them but must report scores for each game p layed before a monthly deadline. Each match, players must play a new corp and runner ID and must include all in-faction cards from that months selected data pack. So for month one, you'll play two matches with 4 runner IDs, 4 corp IDs and mandatory use of all in-faction cards in 23s. Each month we will add the next data pack and keep playing! After month 3 we will have a Midseason Champion playdown and a Season Championship playdown at the end too!
Webcam setup: just aim your EXTERNAL webcam down at your table. Connect to your opponent via google hangouts video call. He will see only your game table/ card tableau and you will see his cards. Play Netrunner with your cards while talking to your opponent as you play, same as a normal live game. When hidden cards need to be revealed, just hold them up to the camera without peeking. It's fun and easy!
Ask questions below. To register, PM me directly!!
(I live in New York, USA)