Hi all.
I am looking for events ideas for my "expansion" (I am never satisfied with anything, although Runebound almost hit the spot, its a great game)
So the idea is this: to expand the living world and epic feeling of the game, through random events, and some special rules.
1/ You don't know what scenario you are going to play when you start a game.
So you start with a "prologue", that is, a free, quest less act. The length is the same as the act 1 and 2. The difference is that whenever you are supposed to draw an history card, you don't do nothing.
At the beginning of its turn, a player rolls an event die, and apply the result: could be:
Disease, Marauding orcs, town or city revolt, undead appearance*, dragon appearance*, town fair, some details draw your attention...
* Some events are History related. At the beginning of act1, the players roll to see what History they will be facing. They roll a d20, and the biggest result is played by the players. HOWEVER, every time a special event is rolled, a bonus is added to the proper history. You can see these special events like "hints" that some thing is going on, although the player will learn this only at beginning of act 1.
Example: lets say every "undead appearance" adds 1 to the probabilty to get the "necromancer" history, and "dragon fly by" event adds 1 to the "dragon" history. During the prologue, the players roll 4 "undead appearance" events, and only 1 "dragon fly by".
So, before starting act 1, the players will randomly roll to see what History they will be questing for.
they roll 6 (+4) for the necromancer story, and 12 (+1) for the dragon story. So, they will play the dragon story (despite more events hinting to the Necromancer), and set up the game accordingly.
2/ Some events have their own automated actions:
At the end of the players turns, some events are checked: some monsters could move toward town or cities and try to pillage them, or try to attack the heroes, or whatever...
3/ During prologue, Monsters are "weak": before throwing the monster counters, one is randomly removed, every turns (so the monster only throws 4 counters.)
Any thoughts ?
Edited by Kernunos