Do stats exist for her?
Do stats exist for her?
Nope, she's purely a plot device, and is the Beginner Box adventure's version of the Mentor background option from the FaD core rulebook.
I think I will do stats for her using the Colonist career and Scholar specialization from Edge of the Empire.
On 26/1/2017 at 9:38 PM, allenshock said:I think I will do stats for her using the Colonist career and Scholar specialization from Edge of the Empire.
Considering some of the pregen's background involved taking Hethan to various planets exploring ancient ruins, i think that Archeologist also sounds reasonable. Give her plenty of Knowledge: Lore, Education and Outer Rim ranks.
Also while it's never explained if she is Force sensitive or not (i think it's implied she isn't...she just knows a lot of stuff) I think it would be fitting for her to be FS, maybe with just a FR1-2 and low key powers (sense or seek).
On 1/27/2017 at 11:41 PM, Lareg said:Considering some of the pregen's background involved taking Hethan to various planets exploring ancient ruins, i think that Archeologist also sounds reasonable. Give her plenty of Knowledge: Lore, Education and Outer Rim ranks.
Also while it's never explained if she is Force sensitive or not (i think it's implied she isn't...she just knows a lot of stuff) I think it would be fitting for her to be FS, maybe with just a FR1-2 and low key powers (sense or seek).
I like that, but really I never used her, she disappeared after mountaintop rescue
3 hours ago, Matt Skywalker said:I like that, but really I never used her, she disappeared after mountaintop rescue
I wound up using Hethan as an occasionally recurring NPC, albeit one without any real stats beyond a couple of notes that she's got three ranks in most Knowledge skills (excepting Underworld and Warfare) and is Force-sensitive but doesn't really have any flashy Force powers (bit of Foresee and Seek, no major upgrades). In fact, when I brought her back in as a means to push the PCs into the next big adventure (taking them to Malachor to rescue a friendly NPC from the campaign's start), she was astonished that the PCs had an actual honest-to-Yoda holocron (earned from the Lost Knowledge adventure at the back of the core rulebook) and spent several hours during a trip through hyperspace just conversing with Val Isa about a variety of Force-related topics.
She became a mentor an recurring NPC in our campaign. I use Jedi Exile stats and liberate use of force powers.
Edited by RusakRakeshOn 6/14/2017 at 6:23 AM, Matt Skywalker said:I like that, but really I never used her, she disappeared after mountaintop rescue
I went the opposite way. She is a very active mentor for the group. She has stats (I just modified the rules for making an Inquisitor), a back story, and actively, but limited in scope, helps the group if needed (i.e. I over estimated the PC's power and throw too much at them).