Rules questions

By X Wing Nut, in Star Wars: Destiny

tried to find the answers but had trouble searching for it

Cunning and sith Holocron just want to know if I use Cunnings special and trigger my opponents Sith Holocron does there card go back in there hand because I triggered it? Can use Cunning on my opponents Sith Holocron in the first place?

After I play Leadership and reactivate the chosen Character if one of there blank dice was still in the dice pool do I get to reroll it? or do I have to spend a turn returning that dice to my character first?

your answers will determine if I need to go home and rethink my life :)

Cunning - yes, holocron would go to their hand, the same way you remove an opponents thermal detonator.

No, the blank dice would remain in the pool - you have to spend or remove it to re-roll it.

Taken from the RRG, page 22

Can I use Cunning (r65) to switch an opponent’s Sith Holocron (r16) with a card in my hand?

• No. You cannot have an opponent’s card in your hand or deck. The end result is that the Sith Holocron has no effect. (Emphasis added)

Edited by Netace
25 minutes ago, Netace said:

Taken from the RRG, page 22

Can I use Cunning (r65) to switch an opponent’s Sith Holocron (r16) with a card in my hand?

• No. You cannot have an opponent’s card in your hand or deck. The end result is that the Sith Holocron has no effect. (Emphasis added)

well I guess that says it all. I was hoping Cunning would be a good semi Counter to sith Holocron I guess I need to rethink my life/list on that one

Disarm is a fairly good counter to Sith Holocron if you can fit it in your deck.