What wraiths do in the woods.

By Thulsadume, in BattleLore

I recently was able to acquire Hernfar Guardians and Heralds of Dreadfall and have been having a lot of fun testing them out. I was wondering however whether the Wraith's ethereal ability reduces your opponents combat roll in woods to one die? Assuming a non caster non other ability/condition situation of course.

If so it would seem to make the wraiths a really great defensive unit in woods. Played a scenario where the Uthuk had an objective in a wooded hex and the wraiths summarily possessed them and took the objective. Would seem fitting in my mind as pinning down ghosts in the forest sounds like a hard thing to do.

The forest effect (no more than 2 combat dice) happens before modifiers, so Ethereal does reduce that to just 1 die for incoming attacks... unless they have modifiers in their favor too like Flanking.

I had a game with a pesky Wraith in a forest but got around that thanks to my Siege Golem. I attacked someone in an adjacent hex and applied Barrage hits to the Wraith. No hiding from that!

Haha no I suppose not. Giant possibly exploding arrows are good that way :)

That's kind of what I was thinking was the case from what I'd read in the rules and on here about fighting in woods. Another reason for me to like them beyond just the coolness of the models lol.