Jetpack Special Question

By Markspinner, in Star Wars: Destiny

Jetpack special states: [Special] - Remove a die showing melee damage and give attached character 1 shield.

My question is two fold: if I roll the Jetpack special and there are no melee die on the table, can I still gain the shield? And if the only melee die in the pool is my own, am I forced to remove it to gain the shield?

Short answers: Yes, and yes.

Long answer, since it doesn't use the word THEN, the second part isn't dependent on the first. So you do as much as you can. Also, since the first part doesn't say MAY, you have to remove a melee die if there is one in play, even if it's yours.

Edited by netherspirit1982

I'm going to start a pool as to how many times this question will be asked before people finally a) learn to read the card b) stop answering or c) USE THE GORRAM SEARCH FUNCTION

22 minutes ago, The Penguin UK said:

I'm going to start a pool as to how many times this question will be asked before people finally a) learn to read the card b) stop answering or c) USE THE GORRAM SEARCH FUNCTION

Are you still salty from Brexit? Anyway, I did do a search on the forum ( ) and did not come back with any results specific to this card's ruling. Thanks for making the Destiny community great again!

In reality, it's a legitimate question in terms of how the word "AND" works in mathematical logic. In order for a statement P AND Q to be true, both P and Q must be simultaneously true. I can certainly understand that someone could read the card and think that if there is no melee die to remove then you can't actually get the shield. The card could have probably been written better for example, it could have said "remove a die showing melee damage, if able , and give attached character 1 shield."

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3 minutes ago, The Penguin UK said:

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Didn't come up in search so I did my due diligence :)