Can I play Feeding Frenzy (0997) if the Icetromper (0191) deals 1 damage with its Action ability (ie not with its Unit Damage icon)?
Does it count as if the Icetromper damages the unit?
Can I play Feeding Frenzy (0997) if the Icetromper (0191) deals 1 damage with its Action ability (ie not with its Unit Damage icon)?
Does it count as if the Icetromper damages the unit?
Found the answer myself over at cardgamedb.
" Hi Stephen,
Rules Question:
Icetromper: sacrifice this unit to remove an attacking non-vehicle unit from an engagement. Then, deal 1 damage to that unit Feeding Frenzy: After a creature unit damages an enemy character or creature unit, destroy that unit. If a player uses the icetromper's action to remove and then damage a unit, can feeding frenzy destroy that unit
At least you post the answers to your questions so others my find them too. I guess that deserves some credit.