Malefic Scholar+Loremaster\Magister

By Amshegar, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hello. I not understand some things abouts rules...

Adept class may take psy in Loremaster\Magister ranks and radical book tell about it (3 choise: nascent psyker, psyker or sorcerer).

But adept may take psy before it as a Sorcerer in rank 4 (Malefic Scholar).

I not understand...if adept who take alternative rank Malefic Scholar choise later take Loremaster\Magister ranks which have a psy too...

if possible, how to consider it?

Thanks for answers...

If you take Maelific Scholar and take psy rating at Rank 4 then you get the privilege of having it early.

Once you reach Loremaster/Magister you can't take it then and it doesn't upgrade to Psy Rating 2, it's essentially a null and void advancement since you took it earlier in your career path.

Its strange...

If make to do so as you said, ranks Loremaster\Magister are useless for player who which is already Sorcerer and take alternative rank Malefic Scholar...

They contain nothing intesting that except for the possibility take psy.

And if the ( Malefic Scholar ) adept sorcerer can not increase his PR (Master Sorcerer=PR 4 ) or take may take more arcans is this ranks, they are practically useless.

It is also worth be noted that Malefic Scholar more powerful, he may take more arcans, has Sublime Arts, favored of warp, more skills in forbidden knowledge (daemonology and warp) in contradistinction to Loremaster\Magister...

Yes, but you're choosing to take the path of sorcery, which makes you a heretic and possibly will get you hunted down and burned at the stake.

They contain nothing more interesting to you.

Thanks for answer...

PS: Theoretically... adept may take Maelific Scholar rank but not take sorcerer trait and arcans before he take Loremaster\Magister rank and take psy as are psyker in Loremaster\Magister ranks , and after that he take sorcerer trait, then make him similar as taited psyker rules. Bat in this way he take "spells" as a psy power (not arcanes).

radical book

Malefic Witches and
Warp Tainted Psykers page 170 say

\\Sorcery (which can also be used to represent warp taint
as well as learned dark lore) may be “stacked” with Psychic
Powers. Rather than a Talent’s usual effects, it serves to boost
the psyker’s Psy Rating by 1 for the Sorcerer Talent, and by
an additional 1 for Master Sorcerer
. From this point onwards,
the psyker may accrue sorcery Arcana as if they were Psychic
Powers (treating Major Arcana as a new Psychic Discipline)\\

And think it strange. Reason... ANYONE except Adept (and priest) do not take Master Sorcerer trait.
Tainted psyker class to...

Do not understand why this was written...

Edited by Amshegar
add some information

Yes, yes they could if they wanted to wait that long.