Simultaneous character defeat winner?

By wakefieldbw, in Star Wars: Destiny

Something that happened tonight: wife and I had one character each with one health remaining. I claimed Separatist base. Each character is then defeated. Do I win since I claimed the battlefield?

Separatist base doesn't damage any of the claimer's characters. I think you may have been playing that card wrong.

Separatist base doesn't damage any of the claimer's characters. I think you may have been playing that card wrong.

Claim - Each opponent chooses and deals 1 unblockable damage to one of their characters.

I guess I can see that, but each player is technically an opponent.

You are not an opponent. If you were playing a multi-player game then each of the other players would take damage but you would not. If they mean for all players then it would say all players deal 1 damage to their characters.

You are not an opponent. If you were playing a multi-player game then each of the other players would take damage but you would not. If they mean for all players then it would say all players deal 1 damage to their characters.

This is correct. It does not say each "Player" says each "opponent" (so in this case...only your wife).

The wording can be confusing, as FFG has proofed the rules for multiplayer, but yeah - you are not an opponent to yourself.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't actually think simultaneous defeat is possible at this stage of the game? There might be a future character with some ability like: "Before this character is dealt 1 or more damage, deal 1 damage to an opponent's character" where simultaneous defeat may possibly occur, but at this point I don't think it can happen through damage.

Simultaneous defeat IS possible... sort of. Both players can run out of cards in hand and deck in the same round and then both will lose at end of round. Both players can have one character left with Crime Lord affecting them such that they both die at end of round.

BUT... when simultaneous effects happen, whoever controls the battlefield gets to pick the order. In other words, in a 'simultaneous' defeat scenario, whoever controls the battlefield wins as they can just say the opponent loses before they do. Control of the battlefield is the ultimate tie breaker.