Using Cunning on Jetpack

By Defense1236, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm usually big on finding out exact rules but this one I couldn't figure out

If I use cunning's special on an opponent's Jetpack, does my character with cunning get the shield or does the opponent's character with Jetpack get the shield?

The opponent's character gets the shield because jet pack is equipped to the opponent's character

But its also my understanding that you don't have to give a shield. There is no "then" or "you must". Also for the fact that you can give a shield to the attached character with out having to remove a melee if none are showing. If there is one showing you have to remove it to get a shield. Even if its yours and its the only one showing... :(

Edited by CooMasterCoo

But its also my understanding that you don't have to give a shield. There is no "then" or "you must". Also for the fact that you can give a shield to the attached character with out having to remove a melee if none are showing. If there is one showing you have to remove it to get a shield. Even if its yours and its the only one showing... :(

If it doesn't say you "may" add a shield (which jetpack doesn't say may), it's not optional. You have to fulfill as much of the card text as possible, so if there is a melee result in someone's pool, you have to remove one, and if you don't have 3 shields, you have to add a shield token.

But its also my understanding that you don't have to give a shield. There is no "then" or "you must". Also for the fact that you can give a shield to the attached character with out having to remove a melee if none are showing. If there is one showing you have to remove it to get a shield. Even if its yours and its the only one showing... :(

If it doesn't say you "may" add a shield (which jetpack doesn't say may), it's not optional. You have to fulfill as much of the card text as possible, so if there is a melee result in someone's pool, you have to remove one, and if you don't have 3 shields, you have to add a shield token.


Cunning does say to resolve it as if were your card. If it were my card I would get the shield wouldn't I?

It maybe resolved as your card, but that does not mean it is equipped to your character, the jetpack is still attached to the opponent's character, and it gives the shield to the character it is attached to not the player.